Hogwarts is the dream, being sorted into your dream house is what every die hard fan wants, and sorority life is exactly that!
1. You Get Sorted
Sometimes you don't choose the house...the house chooses YOU. As you walk through those beautiful corridors and check out the detailed bedrooms and common areas you are thinking to yourself "It's like the Gryffindor of sororities!" You walk into their study and it feels like the Great Hall and there should be a feast that should magically appear in front of you. Meeting these girls has never been better, you fit in, #SQUAD. Bid Day arrives and as you open your letter, you begin to think, "You're a wizard Harry." But you already know that- hurry up already! What chapter are you in!? You never thought this day would come. Wow. Here we go...
2. Greek Week is as Brutal as The Tri-Wizard Tournament
Glitter. Singing. Cheesy Lyrics. Painting. Long Nights. Endless Practice. All for the trophy at the end of the week. It's brutal, difficult, but you learn a lot about yourself and others. Sometimes it brings the dark side out of us...
3. You Gain Best Friends To Do Crazy Stuff With
Maybe not as crazy as Harry, Ron, and Hermione like defeating dark wizards and zipping around the world defeating horcruxes. But the friends you make will be there to dress up like weirdos with you on themed sisterhood events, go on late night Taco Bell runs, dance parties in your tiny room and getting yelled at by the house mom! Traveling the world with them could be an option too, hopefully horcruxes won't be in your future though. These people will know who you really are, and adventure is out there as long as you're with them.
4. Intramurals = Quidditch
Each house has its team, the ones who sign up for everything! It's FUN to play in the powderpuff tournaments that fraternities put on and intramural games throughout the semester. And it gets INTENSE. The little recognition at the end that your sorority has just wo the Sorority Basketball Championship is like catching the snitch. Sweet satisfaction.
5. Secrets...
Every house has its secrets, like where the Ravenclaw Tower actually is and what even happened to Rowena Ravenclaws lost diadem? Your sorority will have its special mysteries as well, and it makes you even more honored to be able to know that.
6. Harry's Summers Are So Relatable
After the semester ends, it is the worst thing saying goodbye to your sisters. Sitting around waiting for school to start up again and go back to your home and best friends. It feels like nobody understands you! Everyone thinks you're a freak because you're in a sorority! And there's bars on your windows and your owl needs to go out to fly but your stupid guardians are stupid! Okay maybe not the ending, but it's really hard being away from your chosen family!
7. There Will Always Be Prefects
There will always be the girls who keep the chapter in check just as Percy Weasley walked the halls of Hogwarts making sure Gryffindors were in bed past curfew. We need these girls, love them as much as you don't want to!
8. There Will Always Be Slytherins
Face it, you can't go through life without people who just make you angry. Just try to get through it, you're all sisters, all going to the same school, and you all wear black cloaks with crests on them and carry around wands and potions books. Or maybe just a Spirit Jersey and a cute Planner for your busy SRAT life.
9. You'll Never Be Bored And Your Squad Always Has Your Back
Seriously there will always be something to do. And no matter what, your closest sisters will always be there to back up your crazy ideas, like creating a polyjuice potion to break into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at Gringotts.