If there are any Baylor football-haters out there (which I hope there aren’t), here are a few reasons to go to the games other than to watch football.
1. It’s free. As broke college students, we are all about free things: free food, free t-shirts, free activities. In a few years, you will have to pay a lot of money to even go to one game. Assuming you can get a ticket with the new online system, it costs you zero dollars to go to the games.
2. Everyone else is already there. Really, what better things do you have to do on Saturdays? All your friends and everyone else you know will likely be at the game, so you might as well go, too.
3. Tailgating in the student section. It’s much more fun than tailgating in the alumnae area.
4. To support the team. Having a full stadium of people cheering and turning up the energy pumps up the team, and pumps up you.
5. It’s part of the college experience. Going to games is EXCITING and FUN. Sitting in the student section is something you can only do for four years, and running the Baylor line is (hypothetically) something you can only do for one year. The atmosphere of college football games is exhilarating and electrifying. Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?!
6. You can tell your future children. Someday in the future you can brag to your children and grandchildren that you were there when Baylor beat #1 Kansas State, won the Big XII Championship, and beat TCU in the last few seconds of the game.
7. For the snacks. Even if you don’t feel like watching the game, you can just hang out and eat snacks. Even though everything is ridiculously overpriced, the lemonade, popcorn, nachos and other items are pretty good.
8. To take cute pictures. If none of these other reasons can convince you to go to the games, do it for the insta.
Even if you don’t like watching football, you should definitely still take advantage of the opportunity to go to every game while you still can.