Well it's official. We have to go to back to school at some point and now it is the time, unfortunately. After being home for a month, I spent time time with my family, working more hours than I did during fall semester and slept a lot more than I usually did. Being home is a blessing and curse. Here is a list of going back to school.
1. You head back to campus realizing how fast break was.
You had time to visit friends, sleep in and Netflix all day. Now you have to go back to school.
2. Then you have to unpack.
I feel like this is the hardest part. You just got back and you want to see everyone but you have to unpack your clothes and things for the new semester.
3. The feeling of waking up early and not sleeping in until noon.
I mean I don't have this problem because I didn't wake up until 10am for fall semester; same with spring semester, I don't have to wake up until 10am again. I am sorry for those of you who have 8am classes. Good luck with that y'all.
4. You get up at the last second and go to class.
I'm thinking about just going in my pj's next semester but I'm probably not...
5. Then on the first day of class, professors are assigning homework already.![]()
Why? I mean why do you want to torture us? It is only the first day back, it is syllabus day. Why are we even assigned something? Please don't let this happen.
6. After a week back, you realized you have to do your own laundry.
I'm sorry mom. I wish you were here and can just do it for me. Help me separate my clothes into whites, color and dark. I guess I have to be an adult and do it myself.
7. After the first night out with your friends, you realized why you missed them.
We still text each other and snapchat each other everyday but it is not the same as being there together. I miss our adventures and going out.
8. Eating at the dining hall and remembering it is gross AF.
Incoming freshman and anyone new: please be aware of Fresh Foods. It is not fresh. Just go to Champ's or JP. Please, I am asking you.
9. Getting to see your friends, roommmate and hallmates after a month.
For me, I don't get to see my roommate because I get a new one. I'm bitter and excited for it. Bitter because I miss my old roommate but excited for my new one!
10. Realizing you missed being busy and having a schedule.
I was home for a month doing nothing but work, sleep and shopped with my mom. I was with my sister most of the time and it was great. But I missed having a schedule and doing things with my friends and having the freedom to do whatever I wanted.
11. Then realizing you have a new schedule and memorizing that.
I have to erase my old schedule and now memorized this new class schedule. I have to find new routes and know when to leave and where I have to go... ugh.
But overall, I am happy to be back on campus to see my friends, new roommate, my big, my sorority sisters, my RA, and just campus itself.