Sometimes us females find better friendships with men than we do other women and understanding why can be difficult at times. Here are a couple of reasons as to why I found my people butting heads on the football field and cracking a cold one with the boys on Saturday night rather than having sleepovers and watching movies until we fall asleep.
1. You always have a shoulder to cry on.
Heartbreak can be hard to deal with but having someone to lean on while they trash talk your ex and tell you that you deserve better can help to restore your faith in good men.
2. They aren't afraid to tell you the truth.
Walking into their apartment after a long day? Boom, roasted. Waking up on their couch the morning after a frat party? Boom, roasted. Just plain ugly? Boom, roasted.
3. You're like their sister, but not.
You're always around but they never change the way they talk or act in front of you. It's almost like you gain a complete understanding of the male brain and the thought process through which it undergoes.
4. They are always hungry. And so am I.
They never pass up a chance to get food, so you will never have a fear of facing eating alone in the dining hall.
5. They make the best wing-men.
"Hey, this is my good friend Kaitlyn... I feel like y'all will have a lot in common." is one thing that I will never get tired of hearing.
6. There is never drama.
When and if there is an argument, it's settled and forgotten about within the next 10 minutes. Grudges are never held and it makes you re-evaluate some of your past friendships with other girls.
7. Late night, heartfelt conversations mean the most.
Most men don't know how to show emotion or mentally gather their thoughts and put them into words, so when you get them to open up to you and talk about what's going on in their lives, you feel a sense of togetherness and it creates a strong, long-lasting, trustworthy friendship.