There is one thing that I feel should never be questioned or argued against- single moms are some of the bravest people in the world. Growing up, I was sometimes asked what it was like being a child of divorce. But when I was asked this question, I never felt like it was the side of the story that should be focused on.
Yes, I am a child of divorce. But more than that- I'm the child of a single mom who inspires me in every way imaginable. This is what’s really the noteworthy topic, and what people should want to hear about. I consider myself lucky that I had the fortune of being raised by the strongest woman I've ever known, and I know plenty of others who feel the same way about growing up with single moms. Here are the few of the many reasons why being raised by a single mother is the best.
1. Your mom is your biggest supporter and would, and often does, sacrifice everything for you. No matter how small the role in the play, or how insignificant the award at school, my mother was always there to support me, even when it meant taking off work and driving through rush hour traffic. Being a single mother means working most of the time and making sure there's a steady income, all while maintaining a family and a house. However, work never stopped my mom from attending all of my school functions, and being a beaming face of pride in the crowd, just for me. To this day, I can always count on my mom to support me unconditionally, even when it means going out of her way.
2. You are both insanely close, to the point where some people think it's a little much. One of the perks of growing up with a single mom is that she cares about *literally* everything you do and will listen for hours about any topic, from what you ate to why you're crying after watching that Extra gum commercial (for the few that haven't seen it, go look it up, it's life-changing). To attest to this, my mother actually moved to the city I'm in so we wouldn't be apart for college. And that meme of getting 6 texts in a row from your mom? A daily occurence.
3. You know that everything she does, she does for you to have the best in life. Being a single mother comes with an unfathomable amount of responsibility. When I sit down and contemplate all that my mom does for me and what she sacrifices, it makes me all the more grateful for everything that I have. She worked her entire adult life to make sure I never felt less-than, and all that I have is because of her dedication to me.
4. Even though it's not the typical sitcom-style family, you know you wouldn't trade it for the world. There are times when I thought about what my life would be like living with two parents. When I was younger, I would go to my friends' houses for sleepovers, and compare my life at home to theirs. I loved being able to be a part of their families for that short amount of time. However, there will never be a better feeling for me than coming home to my mom, and knowing that no matter what I need, she'd drop everything for me.
This post goes out to my mom, who is my hero, and all the single moms who work tirelessly in what so often can feel like a thankless job. You make the world a better place.