As November creeps upon us, the final stretch to the presidential nomination also will too, making us (America) decide what we're possibly going to do. Will we give in to ignorance or will we lie our way to the finish? Will we finally acknowledge our prolonged issues or will we cover them up like blemishes, acting as if they don't exist, but even when the facts are laid in front of us they are still dismissed?
As if there wasn't even a presidential candidate that actually cares about what's really happening here in the states; or worse, the citizens of this country have forgotten what even makes America "great" because it isn't the president but the people themselves, its called democracy we literally do do it for our own health but lately it seems we've been ill in our will, leaving our future in the hands of those unworthy. I must ask do these candidates really care about our failing environmental status or do they just want the glory? Or better yet is the value of a black life truly equal to those who try to drag us down or are we voting for the candidate who instead flips the scrip saying our lives are more comparable to clowns because clowns lives matter too in this failing social system that I see no candidate trying to fix (because they can't) it's we the people who must grant our own wish.It's we the people who can actually make the difference.
So long after the election when people are saying that's why I didn't vote for so and so, I'll just be sitting here laid back saying I told you so because it doesn't matter who is elected only who is connected which should be the American people standing together to make change, leaving no person undetected!
Not leaving it in the hands of people who just want to reign, bragging how they're not affected because it isn't Hilary or Trump who will teach your kids the significance of peace and equality, it'll only be their views that we are subjected to, hoping for America to become more like them, leaving you forgetting to be you! But I'm praying you know that we create our own path of freedom, it's something that we can choose, not blindly following behind candidates that only bring us the blues! As people we can choose to be better or we can choose to be worse, so it doesn't matter who wins the presidency as long as America remembers her worth!