It is the moment you all have been waiting for, we get to talk about the benefits and amazing things about one of the best beverages in this universe. I don't even know why this has taken me forever to write about because this liquid has been pumping through my veins almost every day since I was 12. Before I start this list please know I do drink tea from time to time (aka when I'm sick so basically never) so this list is in no way shaming any of you tea drinkers out there. Just hoping to subtly convert you over into drinking this awesome liquid gold they call coffee!
You got espresso, lattes, cafe con leche, macchiatos, frappuchinos, hot drinks iced drinks AND the list goes on and on. Not to mention how many bean varieties there are?! Need I say more? You get the point.
2. It's here for you when no one else is
Need something to hug? Snuggle up in a blanket and hug that nice cup o' joe. You know you want to
3. It lowers risk for diseases
Yes, you heard it here: black coffee can actually lower the risk for colorectal cancer, multiple sclerosis, and even Alzheimer's disease. Coffee also possesses antioxidants that can dampen inflammation of several organs. Remember though, too much of a good thing can also be harmful so abide by the daily recommended caffeine intake!
4. It smells like actual heaven
You will NEVER hear anybody say: 'wow the smell of that coffee is DISGUSTING' only happy thoughts come from the amazing aroma.
5. Coffee makes you happy
No, seriously. Caffeine from coffee can block adenosine (which is a hormone that makes you feel sleepy), allowing dopamine neurotransmitters to take control and flood your body with pure joy!