Congratulations! You've finally made it to your senior year. The light at the end of the tunnel! What you've been working so hard for over these past few years! However, after quickly asserting your superiority over campus, you soon realize that being at the top is not all that it is cracked up to be. Even though it's the end of the semester and everyone has started to dream of turkey and family time, you're somehow expected to be thinking of other things.
1. Everyone wants to know what you're going to do after graduation.
I'm lucky enough if I know what I'm going to have for lunch that day, let alone where I'll be living or working in the next few months.
2. The "I don't know" or "I'll figure it out" are no longer accepted as a response.
The reaction is always the same... the widened eyes, soft smile, and nod of the head. Otherwise code for, "Oh bless your heart..."
3. The area of study you chose years ago is always the hottest topic at a dinner table.
When I was 18 years old, I was told that I had to go to college and get a degree. Nobody told me that I should invest in a degree that secured a job! I was always told to do what I love.
4. You begin to develop a phobia of the words: student loans.
Should I buy that dress for semi? Oh wait, six months until I graduate, and then the thousands of dollars of debt that I'm in will have to begin to be paid off...
5. Older people tell you that these are what you'll consider the best four years of your life.
These were the best four years and I already used them up? Are we sure? Are we all sure that there is no chance it can get any better?
6. Any time you get together with friends, it turns into a sappy or sentimental moment.
Somebody always brings up that they'll miss you in X amount of months when you all go separate ways. This always turns into an hour long session sharing favorite stories and why you think everyone is great.
5. Your underclassmen friends blame you for leaving them "early."
You're right. It's my fault my birthday is before yours, that I came to college before you, and that I'm finishing my degree on time.
6. Your emotions are heightened.
The other day I passed a tour on the way from class and a girl said to her mom, "I can't wait to go here!" When I got home "The Notebook" was on the TV, I looked at my roommates and then proceeded to lay on the floor and cry. No control over emotions anymore. None.
7. Every time you make a decision, you think about how it can actually effect your future.
If I skip class, my teacher may not write me a strong letter of recommendation. If I buy that bag, I won't be able to pay my bills once I graduate!
8. People expect you to have a resume, and a good one at that.
Let's be honest, after a hard week of classes and extracurriculars, I did not go to the career center to update and perfect my resume throughout my underclassmen years.
9. Spending free time doing nothing is no longer an acceptable way to waste a weekend.
Between your friends begging you to hang out because your time is limited and the amount of work you have to do, Netflix just has to wait.
10. You feel guilty for going to bed early.
Should I go to sleep? This is valuable time that I could be applying for jobs or updating a resume or learning how to live a healthy lifestyle.
11. You want to sign up for everything.
This is the last chance I have!
12. You don't have anyone to look up to anymore.
I am now the oldest, and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.
13. You're expected to know all of the tricks of the trade.
You've been here the longest! You should know how everything works, where it all is, who the best professors are, and anything anyone would ever want to know.
14. Everyone looks at you like you have five heads when you're in an intro class.
If you're a senior, then why are you taking Bio 101? Gen eds, that's why.
15. You're still expected to go to class and do your homework.
I have resumes to write, jobs to find, food to eat, and plans to plan. I do not have time for this.
16. You're judged for going to your old favorite spots.
"I thought that was a freshman spot..." Yeah, well I wanted to reminisce. Sorry.
17. The level of uncertainty is so real.
I constantly say, "Well, when I'm wherever I'll be doing whatever I'll do." In no way does that sound promising at all.
18. You never spend time alone anymore because the FOMO is too real.
I can't resist the sound of my friends laughing and having a good time when I know that in just a few short months we will all be in different places.
19. Every moment has to turn into the perfect memory.
This is the last time we may all be together or the last time we'll come here, so it needs to be a good one! Everything can't always be perfect, so quit trying to make it that way or you'll only remember the negative.
20. It's the end of an era.
It's been a good four years. I don't want to leave, but there's a lot more to come.