As a college senior, my days of goofing off are slowly dwindling down. I am terrified about having to be a real life adult and I am starting to remember all of the things that older adults in my life have told me throughout the years. Gone are the days of studying for exams at 2am and writing papers literally all night, but now I have to worry about getting a job and fending for my self. If you are struggling with this concept of "Adulting" as well, then you'll be able to relate to this. Here is why having to be an adult is just hard...
1. Not having money... (If you thought the Ramen days were over, think again).
2. Figuring out where to live after college is stressful.
4. Applying for jobs is frustrating for young adults. Does anyone actually ever have three to five years experience fresh from college...?
...No, the answer is no.
5. Trying to pay all of your bills/student loans is next to impossible... and shocking.
6. Deciding to move back in with your parents because you realize just how hard it is to really live on your own.
7. Being unsure of what the future will hold is terrifying.
8. Seeing friends getting engaged/married/having kids and you're just not in that place.
9. You really want a puppy but you either can't afford one right now.
11. Being an adult may not being easy, but it'll all work out. This is what you worked for-- enjoy it!
Your life is just beginning!