"I am a feminist."
Some people just don't know how to take someone who says this sentence. Some agree but others simply do not understand why I, or anyone else, would ever claim that title. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but here is what I mean when I say those words.
I am a feminist. I believe that like the definition says, women should have "political, social, and economic equality to men."
I am a feminist because I believe that a person's gender should not affect their salary. When a woman speaks out about harassment at work, action should be taken to end the problem; she should not told to find a new job or that it's not that big of a deal.
Dress codes in schools are necessary, but when the rules include girls having to cover up their shoulders because they're wearing a tank top and other trivial things, there's a problem; especially when it's happening to children. It's also a problem when people claim that girls wearing those "distracting clothing" are causing boys to make bad grades. If a guy is incapable of focusing because of a female's shoulder, it is not the girl who needs her behavior or mindset changed.
Although girls are capable of doing just as well as boys in math and science, and many actually enjoy it at a young age, many don't go on to pursue STEM careers due to bias from teachers; lack of encouragement and self-confidence are also problems.
I am a feminist because a woman who speaks passionately about something is likely to be seen as too emotional. When a woman is confident, takes charge and speaks her mind she is often considered bossy and mean.
One out of six American women has been the victim of an attempted or complete rape in her lifetime. Out of ever 1,000 rapes, 994 perpetrators will walk free. And yet, when women are catcalled by strangers on the street, they are told that if they complain they are being over dramatic; they are told should consider it a compliment. In regards to the frequency of attempted and complete rape, women are told they should be careful about how they dress, act and where they go and if they don't, they were asking for it. Never mind the fact that even the women and girls who do take that advice are victims as well.
I am a feminist because I not only care about women, I care about men. Because although most assume equality means being treated better, that is not the case; it means being treated fairly. So what does that mean exactly?
When a male is the victim of rape, he should receive the help and justice he deserves, not ridicule from people who claim that that can't happen to men or that he must have enjoyed it. It's recognizing that women can and do abuse men.
Guys are brought up to be tough, strong and are not supposed to show their emotions; they are made fun of for simply showing emotions that every person has. If a guy doesn't like something that people think he should, or rather, does like something they think he shouldn't, he is ridiculed and considered less of a guy.
I am a feminist because a lot of the things I've discussed so far are mainly problems in first world countries like America; I haven't even begun to discuss the problems women face all around the world. Women are beaten and killed daily. Girls aren't able to receive an education because they have to fetch water that's so far away, they don't have time for school. Rape is legal if the victim is married to their perpetrator. Sex trafficking and child brides are still a problem.
I am a feminist because there are so many other reasons than the ones I've chosen to write about.
I am a feminist because although we can, and should, acknowledge that there are differences between women and men, those differences do not make one better than the other.
I am a feminist because, when it comes down to it, I simply just want everyone to be treated equally and fairly.