The topic of guns has been circulating around for some time now, but ever since the shooting in Parkland, Florida, the issue has become more heated than ever. More and more fanatics have been rising up to try and take away our guns, but I won't have it.
Stricter gun control laws are the WRONG answer, and here's why.
1. They focus on the wrong thing
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. So why are there gun laws? They should be having background checks and stricter laws for PEOPLE, not guns... wait.
2. They make it harder to purchase firearms
What's the purpose of a gun? To shoot things. If we have less guns, then less things get shot. Now why in the world would we want that?
3. They limit our 2nd Amendment rights
The Constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and that right shall not be infringed. Yeah, the amendment happened back when guns were shit and yeah, it doesn't say we can't have any regulations on guns. But that doesn't matter.
What matters is that anyone should be able to have a gun in any situation. Did the constitution say we should have stricter laws if it's better for the nation? No, I don't think so. If the constitution doesn't have it, then it isn't important.
4. They limit access to firearms for the mentally impaired
The mentally ill are also people. They're still citizens of this nation. They deserve the same rights as any of us, and obviously, that shouldn't change when talking about guns. So what if that would compromise the safety of the society? The protection of our 2nd Amendment is the priority; the protection of our people can wait.
5. Why bother?
Good guys with guns > Bad guys with guns. Why try and limit gun violence when we can just shoot the bad guys? It's more interesting that way.