So for the last Presidential election I was 17 (I know, sucks), and now I’m finally old enough to vote in the upcoming election. Yay?...... I should be happy that I can finally do the most American thing in America: vote. But I’m not. Here’s why.
- I don’t even know what political party I identify most with.
My biggest fear was being one of those people that vote and don’t know what they’re voting for, so I looked up political parties…...and compared them to the candidates we have….. Confused is an understatement.
- Every candidate seems either far left or far right.
I either have to agree with nearly doubling minimum wage or building a big wall to keep foreigners out. And two of the candidates are practically independents. It’s all so strange.
- The two biggest contenders are people I’m not interested in
In 2016 we have a reality TV star that has no political experience and a secretary of state that may have completed a federal offense as leading contenders for presidency. How odd.
- It doesn’t even seem like a presidential race
I’ve tried my best to keep up with platforms and debates and….. Every debate (at least from my perspective) has been nothing less than…. interesting. Some candidates also change their stances which makes it even harder to make an educated decision.
- The internet and their liberal/conservative debates
If you want to lose faith in voting for this upcoming election and in humanity as a whole, the internet is a good place to start. I made the mistake of looking at the “comment” sections after doing research on candidates, and all I’ve learned is that conservatives hate liberals and vice versa. Oh yeah and that political correctness is a bad, bad thing.
- All in all, I’m just confused
I don’t know if it's just because I like the idea of Obama staying or if I’m interested in what Kanye’s presidency will look like, but I hope I’m not the only one that feels like this for the upcoming election. But alas, just hang in there. One day a light bulb will go off for all of us and lead us to the right decision for our next President of the United States.