1. The food. If you are like me and you love Italian food, then don’t fret because there are fifty billion restaurants right next to each other all with pizza and pasta options. Walk a half a block then there’s more! Then every block there’s more gelato. You can’t get enough.
2. The language. There is nothing better than sitting down somewhere and just listening to the Italians speak their language. I could listen to it all day.
3. Transportation. You walk everywhere. Yesterday I walked a total of 8.14 miles. Everything you eat in a day, can be burned off just by walking around everywhere. By doing so also, you get to see places and things you’ve never experienced.
4. The History. I can still not fathom the amount of history this city holds. It can’t even remotely compare to U.S history. A street you may be walking on was created hundreds of years ago, standing in the Vatican trying to understand the beauty and the year it was created_ how long ago it was. It’s unbelievable.
5. Money. Everything is cheaper. Crazy right? Yesterday I had a sandwich for five dollars. The other night, I had a bottle of wine for 9 dollars. Sure, it all adds up but it’s so much cheaper.
6. The surprising things. There are man made water fountains everywhere coming out of cobble stone or what almost looked like a fire hydrant in America. This is where you can get water. Yes, as a human. No, it is not a drinking fountain for dogs, although some may look as though.
7. The selflessness. Sure, no one cares where you park or how reckless you drive but things I’ve seen here would be taken advantage of in America. I went to a park this morning where toys are everywhere for children. They are all left there overnight, and on one steals them. We don’t have things like that in America because people take advantage of those things.