USD is not only the best college in South Dakota but it is a college that everyone can call home and everyone is friendly enough to make sure that happens. With everything that you can get involved in, the sporting events, and Greek life, you can for sure find something that you are interested in.There will always be a place for all 'yotes in Verm town.
1. All coyotes are like family.
Here in Vermilion everyone is friendly. Don't know where your class is? Someone will, and they will help you locate it. Need help with your homework? Someone will help you. The bonds you make during your college years will last a life time and at the end of the night all coyotes are there for one another, and make life at USD feel like home.
2. DDays is everyone's favorite time of the year.
Dakota Days. The time in every 'yotes life that you get to show all of your school spirit and tailgate your heart out. With our football game, street dances, appearances with Charlie (and you just have to take a picture with him), and the annual parade. During Dakota days everyone joins together and cheers on our favorite team and sings the best theme song known to man.
3. Everyone around you may be struggling as much as you and it is okay.
When you feel sad or lonely and are mad because you procrastinated an assignment worth 10% of your grade, I guarantee you that there is another person feeling the same way. Struggling is a normal college symptom, every college student struggles during college. Take some time and embrace that you're struggling and go get yourself a yote float or get Hychi with some people who are also riding the struggle bus.
4. USD feels like home when you start calling your dorm or apartment "home".
When you're running late and forget a scantron or something important, you tend to call your living areas "home". You don't even realize that you're doing it either, it's a funny thing when you enjoy your time at school so much it becomes your second home.
5. No one judges you for arriving to your 8 AM in your pajamas.
8 AM classes are brutal. Who even thought having an 8 AM class at a university was okay? After your long night of studying and working on school work (or the occasional party-- yotes do not judge) it is okay to show up with your hair up in a bun or baseball cap with coffee. Being comfortable is always a number one, if that is in your pajamas who can really judge? You go Glenn CoCo for being brave enough to take on that 8 AM!
6. USD is home when you start to refer to the people on the floor as family and pull all nighters watching Netflix.
The best thing about college is being able to do whatever you want. That means you and your best friends (lets be real though, your new family) can do whatever you want. Which means it is time to become rebellious and pull an all nighter watching as many seasons of Orange is the New Black as you can while you get Dominos to deliver to your building.
7. USD is home when you know what days the MUC serves their mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets.
Who even needs to know what else is in the MUC when mac-n-cheese is being served. Do not forget the bomb chicken nuggets. You plan your meals that day accordingly because you know you will pig out.
8. USD is home when Legacy is a prized possession of yours because it is a super big tradition.
Everyone has taken a picture with Legacy. Why? Legacy is basically the heart and soul of USD. It is loved by all.
9. USD is home because Abbott serves free breakfast in his yard and makes sure he gives everyone a smile.
President Abbott is the most loved person at the University. He is such a caring person and wants it to be known that USD is a home for all incoming students, current students, and Alumni.