Growing up, some people are fortunate to have gone on family vacations, or traveled outside of their hometowns while others weren’t. If you have traveled before hopefully you have realized what a great opportunity it was and if you haven’t here are just a few reasons why you should think about studying abroad, or saving up to take a trip somewhere you have never been before!
1. People you meet
There are roughly 7.5 billion people on this planet. There are more people than you can even count to that you don’t know, and if you just think about how unique everyone is as individuals, you never know who you will meet. Maybe they will be simply a memory from the trip, a lifetime friend, or open up opportunities for you future. You simply just never know so go get out there and you won’t regret all of the interesting and new people you encounter.
2. The stories along the way
Great stories can come out of the most insignificant of things. Whether it’s a long car ride somewhere, waiting in a restaurant for dinner, or simply walking around and exploring. Memories are being made and there is no better way than traveling with friends and family to make and cherish these. Plus, you need something to be that grandparents who can pass along the "when I was your age" stories and make other people smile and laugh as these stories make you.
3.Seeing other cultures puts your own life into perspective
It is fascinating to me that people live their lives is so many different places and different ways. From the food they eat, different customs and traditions, products that are sold , music they listen too etc. Acquiring souvenirs from a trip to remind you of the different things you saw is always a nice reminder of a great memory. It also may make you grateful for the things you have right at home seeing how people may live less fortunate than you, or simply in a foreign way.
4.Different landscapes, new surrounding and an appreciation for nature.
When you grow up in a town big or small, you get used to what you have. The world is freakin huge. There are endless waterfalls to see, mountains to climb, and sunsets to appreciate. Cities, country the beach or desert there is such a variety of surroundings that are all beautiful and different in their own way.
5.The food
My personal favorite, trying food from different places, navigating different menus of restaurants so I can say “remember that time I had the best chocolate cake ever?” or tried something that you never have before.