If there is anything that is true about your 20's (and even into 30's!) it is that you are probably broke. Between paying for school, rent and other bills - it's hard to have any money left over and when you do your first thought is probably not to save it for a trip somewhere in the future.
Sure, traveling can be SUPER expensive (there are ways to make it a lot cheaper, stay tuned for an article on that!). But if there is anything worth spending your hard earned money on, its traveling.
Here are seven reasons why you should definitely travel in your 20's.
1. Traveling increases your hiring potential.
Unlike other investments in your future (like actual money investing) you can talk about your travel experiences, and in today's globalized job market having interactions with other cultures often makes you a more attractive candidate.
Angela Leung an associate professor of Psychology was quoted in Time Magazine saying that:
People who have traveled internationally and had interactions with other cultures were better able to make unexpected connections and were more creative.
Employers look for people who have traveled and gotten out of their own little bubble because they are often able to think bigger.
2. Traveling puts your own life into perspective.
I had a professor once who said that no matter who you are, you always think you are at the center of the entire universe because you are at the center of your own life.
Traveling exposes you to how tiny you and your life is. I will admit that I had an overblown idea of how important I was until I traveled and saw just how big this world is, and all the amazing things other countries and cultures had to offer!
3. You will be more aware and have a larger worldview.
There is nothing like traveling to break down every stereotype or judgment you have about other countries or cultures. Going to other countries showed me that everyone everywhere is simply trying to live a good life.
Traveling definitely makes you hyper-aware of how the decisions we make either ourselves or as a country can affect everyone globally. At the end of the day we are all simply humans living on this one planet regardless of nationality and traveling brings that into focus.
4. You gain a ton of confidence.
There is nothing like navigating your way through a crazy airport, learning how to handle public transportation and basically taking care of yourself all alone to make you feel like you can handle anything.
While it IS scary to be so far from what you know, its also an exhilarating experience as well. Having the skills to handle yourself in a completely foreign environment is something you can carry over into your everyday life, and will definitely boost your confidence. You'll never feel inadequate for a challenge again.
5. You have different responsibilities.
I roll my eyes at people who say that 20-somethings have less stress than the older generations, however I will say that we have different responsibilities that are often not so hard and fast.
For instance, our biggest obligation is often school - which is usually off during the summer. If you have a job, they can be understanding about trips (and before you say no, I worked for Denny's as a server and my bosses were willing to let me go to Italy and France for 3 weeks because I asked eight months in advance. Don't be afraid to ask!).
Before you enter your career, before you get a crazy house payment, go on the trip you've always wanted to go on.
6. You'll never be as young as you are now.
Don't wait for retirement to go on your dream trip!
While I will definitely still be traveling in my 80's (I hope) I probably won't be as energetic as I am now. In your 20's you have more energy, you're more adventurous and your body can handle more strain.
Go jump off that cliff, or go parasailing or stay up all night partying in Barcelona. You can still do those things when you're older, but you can never guarantee you're going to want to.
7. What else are you going to spend your "extra" money on?
Like I said at the beginning - we all have bills, we all have rent and car payments etc. But you would be surprised at how much money we all spend on things we can do without.
Do you really need to go out to eat every weekend? Or get Starbucks every morning? Those small charges add up quickly, and wouldn't it be more fun to sip some coffee and look up at the Eiffel tower than just slurp it down on your way to school?
While it may not be true for everyone, I would much rather use my money on a trip I'll never forget than something I won't even remember I paid for.
There are a 1,000 more reasons why you should travel, including all the amazing memories you will have and great friendships you will make . In your 20's its easy to get hung up on the idea that there is no way you could afford to travel, or spend money on a "vacation."
But travel gives back to you in so many different ways that will benefit you for the rest of your life. So, just book that trip you've been dreaming about. It will be worth it, I promise.