11 Reasons Why You Need To Watch Friends Immediately
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11 Reasons Why You Need To Watch Friends Immediately

I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

11 Reasons Why You Need To Watch Friends Immediately

Friends is arguably one of the best TV shows of all time. It shows the daily lives of six friends who live in New York City and experience the ups and downs of being a 20-something trying to make it in the Big City. In its span of ten years, super fans grew to love each character for their quirks and personalities and laughed and cried with them throughout the ups and downs of the series. There are so many reasons why you need to watch this show, and, its on Netflix. So once you're finished reading, grab your laptop, log in to Netflix, and begin the binge, because you won't regret it! So without further ado, I give you 11 reasons why you need to watch friends immediately!

1. You will be introduced to a brand new music genre

Phoebe Buffay is a one of a kind soul who writes songs that are honest, unique, and quite terrible, but she rocks them either way!

2. You will learn the perfect way to win over the ladies/gents

Joey's iconic pickup line "How you doin'?" became what he was known for throughout the show, and clearly it worked! He was quite the ladies man and had all the girls swooning over him after just those three words.

3. You will learn that it is okay to pig out sometimes

Joey Tribbiani was also widely known for his superhuman talent of being able to eat a lot. From having the ability to eat an entire turkey on his own on Thanksgiving, to having the guys to eat your date's desert when she's in the bathroom, when it comes to food, Joey doesn't share, and has no shame.

4. You will learn to achieve Unagi, a sense of total awareness

Ross Geller, the nerdy paleontologist of the show, was always teased about two things, for his many divorces, and for his total acceptance of his nerdhood. Throughout his younger years Ross practiced Karate, or as he called it "Karatay" and learned all about the art of Unagi, a sense of total awareness of what is going on around you. But isn't Unagi the Japanese word for freshwater eel?

5. If you are an aspiring actor, then Joey has the perfect technique for you

Throughout the show, you will see Joey's experiences in the acting industry. When he receives a role on the hit daytime show Days of Our Lives, he discusses an acting technique with a fellow actor on the show. This technique is used when you are in a very intense scene, and it looks a little something like this.

6. You will learn how to NOT speak French

In one episode, Joey confesses to his friends that he lied about being fluent in French on his resume. Thankfully, his good friend Phoebe is fluent in French and tries to teach him and he just can't seem to grasp the concept.

7. You will learn how to effectively move furniture up a stairwell

One of Ross' iconic scenes includes him, Rachel and Chandler attempting to move a couch up several flights of stairs to his apartment. Ross' coined his famous line "PIVOT!" in this scene by yelling this at his friends constantly until finally, they drop the couch and it ends up breaking in half. Great job, guys.

8. The characters teach you to have confidence in yourself

With Joey's eating habits, Ross' many divorces and Phoebe's unique style, the Friends characters remind you to embrace who you are.

9. You get to learn what this means...

Monica and Ross Geller are siblings, and as children, Ross wanted to come up with a way to give their parents "the finger" without actually giving it, so this is what he came up with and it is a staple in the everyday lives of Friends super fans.

10. Rachel's iconic style

Rachel Green spends a part of the series working in the fashion industry. Her character was known for her great style, iconic hair cuts, and sassy personality, and this was clearly one of her best moments.

11. Chandler

Enough said.

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