This November we will be electing our new President of our United States! It is so important that this president represents our country, all 318.9 million of us. The question is, however, how can we pick a president (or any elected representative) that represents us all if we do not all vote? SIMPLE! WE CAN'T! Here are some very important reasons why you should vote this November, and always.
1. Your vote actually does count!
Often I will hear that people feel that their vote doesn't matter, that there is too many people for one vote to count... These recent close elections prove that to be wrong!
U.S Presidential Election 2012 Iowa Republican Caucus: only about 40 votes seperated Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney for the nomination of republican Presidential candidate. Only 40 people, that is so close it hurts.
More famously the U.S Presidential Election of 2000 in Florida: only about 500 votes in Florida seperated Bush and Gore. With 25 electoral votes on the line 500 people are VERY important! To sum up the story, the 25 electoral votes went to Bush and he won the presidency, just tipping the scale at 271 electoral votes compared to Gore's 266.
These two examples are a few of many elections that have been too close to say single votes dont matter.
Imagine if everyone who doesn't vote, did. Something like 92,815,000 votes would be added according to the U.S. Census Bureau: Voting and Registration, think thats enough to sway an election?
2. If you do not vote you are letting others choose your life for you...
This is self-explanatory. If your mom asked you and your siblings what you wanted for dinner would you remain quiet and let your siblings choose even though they might choose casserole.... NO you are going to speak up and say "I WANT PIZZA!!!", right? So why not speak up when were choosing the leader of the free world?..... Just saying.
3. It is so easy to vote and there are multiple ways to vote
There are so many other options if you can't make it to the polls on the specific voting day. Most states offer early voting for people who can't make it or just want to skip the lines. Voters can also apply for an absentee ballot (perfect for college students) which you can mail in and is super easy!
If you end up not being able to do early voting or absentee, just go to the polls on election day and treat yourself to breakfast afterward as a reward for being a good american.
4. If you don't vote you are saying that your opinion does not matter
By not casting a vote you are essentially saying your voice isn't worth being heard. If you don't think your own opinion is worth being counted then why should anyone else respect any opinion you might have?
5. The sticker is cool
Probably the most important, you get a super rad sticker that says "I VOTED" and you get wear it and show off that you are a responsible citizen who loves America!!