As a kid, each summer my family would take family vacations across the country, particularly the southern and eastern portions of the U.S. Just recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Europe and I have several more trips internationally planned for the near future. It's just a matter of time. There is still so much to see and the opportunity is fleeting. The freedom to experience the world later in life will become more strenuous with constraints like family and work. There are so many reasons to travel around the world. Here is a list of five reasons to travel while you're young.
1.) Find yourself
You really get to learn who you are when you travel. For me, traveling around Germany for two weeks this past summer really allowed me to find who I am. I became more confident in my abilities, even beyond just speaking the language. Throwing yourself into a country or culture different than your own really makes you aware of everything you do and say. Before traveling out of the country, I was very apprehensive of talking to strangers, especially in a language that isn't my mother tongue. However, in those two weeks, I met more new people and made friends more quickly than I had back in the States. I learned how to interact with people, and that is valuable beyond social institutions.
2.) Learn just how big the world really is
Before I started traveling, I thought I knew it all. I kept up on current events, I did well academically, I had a pretty good idea of what life was about. At least I thought I had. Upon traveling to Europe my perfect little perceptions burst in front of me into tiny little pieces. I learned quickly to open myself to the wisdom of others and to let go of the idea that I know it all. Learning this sooner, rather than later in life is important to be successful in life.
3.) Empower yourself to take on new challenges
Traveling gives you opportunities to tackle obstacles and challenges that would not usually present themselves in your everyday life. For me, adapting to the language in Germany gave me a huge boost in confidence. I have studied German since sixth grade, but I still was not comfortable speaking it, especially to my German professor. I was mortified of sounding idiotic, but for two weeks I was forced to speak it to people I didn't hardly know. I learned I was capable of adapting to a situation and ultimately conquering a big challenge.
4.) Appreciate new cultures
Americans, in particular, are known to be ethnocentric, that is, believing our country and culture is better than any other. We believe our country to be the best and place value on cultures and countries based on how we value America. Traveling, however, broadens your horizons. It makes you aware of social dynamics, culture, and traditions and allows you to immerse yourself in another culture. You gain a newfound appreciation for the world around you.
5.) Live in the moment
Tomorrow is never guaranteed, we need to take advantage of the moment and relish in it. So why not travel the world and discover new things. Pictures on Facebook and Instagram are nice, but why not be the one who is taking the pictures and living life to its fullest? Take every opportunity presented to you to travel and see all the beauty this planet has to offer.