Lack of Socialization
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
Many people lack the social skills to create relationships and conversations in-person. A skill that was once second-nature has become something that needs to be re-taught. Eye contact is now a thing of the past and dinner conversation is right along with it. I notice it when speaking to my younger siblings' friends. They do not know how to hold a conversation or maintain eye contact. This is a skill that is very important, but social media has played a big role in its disappearance.
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Following along with the decrease in in-person human interaction brought on by a surge in social media use, cyberbullying has also increased. Social media has provided us with a "mask" that allows people to say what they want or be who they want to be from the privacy of their own homes. Social media has created a false sense of confidence, which has people unafraid to say hurtful things to others and about others. An example of this can be seen on many celebrities' social media accounts. If you scroll through the comments, it will not take long to find negative comments, most of which would not be said if it was face-to-face interaction. Social media platforms have given people the option to limit comments because of the constant "hate" some people are receiving.
Eyesight and Brain Function
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
Specifically for younger children, limiting screen time is highly recommended. Too much exposure to the blue light that screens emit, can cause problems with vision, sleep and focus. Blue-light glasses have grown in popularity the past year or so because of the pandemic. Since the majority of classes at Penn State are online, blue-light glasses may be a good investment in order to protect your eyes from being strained. Personally, social media has taken up quite a bit of my time. Especially at night I find myself scrolling through Twitter and Instagram when I really should be sleeping, so it definitely does affect how much sleep I get and the quality of that sleep.
Depending on who you follow on social media, you may find yourself making unfair and upsetting comparisons between you and those people. Since these platforms allow most people to have viewing access of all pictures posted, comparisons, whether subconscious or not, are constantly being made. It is important to realize that often times, an individuals social media is their highlight reel. In regards to celebrities, they have professionals taking their photos, and doing their make up and hair most of the time. Over time, these comparisons take a toll on your mental health, which is why it is necessary to disconnect from the various social media platforms, and train yourself to not make comparisons.