We've all been there. You are exhausted from a long week of work and the idea of going out is daunting. You had these plans for a week, but something about them just doesn't seem right. Your best friend shoots you a text asking what the plans are and you're relieved when she mentions the possibility of staying in. As you throw on your pajamas, you pop the cork and tell your best friend to come over. Why go out when you can spend some quality time, gossiping and laughing with your favorite person on the planet? The perks of staying in with your BFF heavily outweigh the stress of going out. Here are the pluses of your night in:
1. You Don't Have to Dress Nice
Why bother doing your hair and makeup when you know your best friend is going to love you for you?
2. You Can Eat All Your Best Friend's Food
Instead of counting your calories, forget your diet and raid the pantry (for free!) with your bestie!
3. You Can Drink
Wine Until the Sun Comes Up
No need to worry about spending too much money on alcohol when you have plenty of wine to go around.
4. You Don't Have to Worry About Drama
But you sure can catch up on the latest gossip!
5. Transportation
Isn't A Worry
Who needs Uber? Your best friend's house is basically your home too. Don't worry about driving because you are safe and sound with them.
6. You Don't Have To Spend A Ton of Money
Instead of worrying about your budget, 'Treat Yo Self' to a night of free movies and endless popcorn.
7. You Don't Have To Worry About Entertaining Them
Sitting around and playing on your phones together can be just as fun as hitting the clubs.
8. You Can Ugly
Cry To All Your Favorite Chick Flicks
Enough said.
9. You Can
Listen to Any Type Of Music You Want
Don't worry about what the DJ is going to play -- country, pop, musicals, you are in control.
10. You Can Laugh
Together For Hours
Whether it be at a silly joke or a ridiculous TV show, the simplest things could make you and your best friend laugh harder than you would with anyone else.
11. You Can Be The One and Only 'You'
Your best friend
knows and loves you, through all your flaws and perfections. You
don't need to put on an act to get their attention.