Some days, smiling seems like the most difficult task of all. It can be hard, but there is always a reason to smile; and if you don't have one or can't find one, here are 10 reasons you can smile today.
1. There is good in the world
I know it can be hard to believe sometimes, but there is good in the world still and smiling is one of those things.
2. The thought of happiness
Just thinking about being happy makes me smile, try it.
3. You look better
A smile on a face, is a face you can't look away from.
4. Because why not?
5. Doggos (or cats if that's your cup of tea)
I literally have a Pinterest board for when I am feeling sad filled with doggos.
check it out if you need to:
6. Mood booster
Smiling lifts your mood in a positive way, so why not do the thing that will make you feel better?
7. Smiling is contagious
If you smile, I am sure someone else will smile. It's honestly hard not to.
8. There's an opportunity in everything
It's a great thought that there is something good and a chance in everything.
9. Someone loves you
Always, some one will love you.
10. You're alive
What better reason to smile than the fact that you're alive and getting to live another day in this beautiful world?
- 7 Reasons To Stay In On A Friday Night ›
- 50 Reasons To Stay Alive ›
- 50 Things To Smile About Today ›
- Stop Telling Me To Smile ›
- 11 Reasons To Smile Even If your Day Was As 'Terrible, Horrible ... ›
- I Have 100 Reasons To Smile, None Of Which Include You ›
- 8 Reasons to Smile Today, Turn That Frown Upside Down ›
- 10 Reasons To Keep Smiling ›
- 23 Little Reasons To Smile ›
- 50 Reasons Why You Should Smile ›