Let's be honest here, no one actually just loves winter. It's like a love/ hate relationship. Kinda like the same love/hate relationship you have with your siblings, but let's hope you love your siblings more than you hate them. Here are the many reasons people like me love... and hate Winter even while living in Wisconsin:
Reasons I absolutely Hate Winter:
1.) It's so cold. My hands are cold, my feet are cold. Everything is cold, and no matter how many layers I put on I am still freezing.
2.) There is no absolute good way to warm up a cold nose. It's the worst part of the body at this time of the year, it is always red and cold.
3.) Doesn't matter how many boxes of tissue you buy, there is never enough for the never-ending runny nose.
4.) Waking up in the morning and having to get out of your cozy, warm bed. Nothing is worst then getting out of a toasty bed into the freezing air.
5.) Walking into a warm building after being in the freezing cold and sweating uncontrollably. Come on, we have all been there. I am not the only one. Right?
6.) The unbearable wind. In Milwaukee, it doesn't matter where you are in the city the wind is the absolute worst
But, through all the hate of Winter, there is some love somewhere in there.
Reasons to Absolutely Love Winter:
1.) Snuggling in bed with your pets.
2.) Drinking a nice warm cup of Hot Cocoa, hot cider or peppermint-spiced lattes.
3.) The holidays are in the Winter. I love the holiday season more than anything, probably just because of the pretty decorations, but hey they are so pretty.
4.) Fuzzy socks. You can't wear fuzzy socks in the summer, but you can wear them during a cold winter day.
5.) Curling up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and a good book.
6.) Being able to bring out my warm, cozy mittens and my fluff ball hat.
7.) Going ice skating. As a person that grew up around hockey there is nothing better than getting out on the ice.
8.) Building a snowman or having a snowball fight. Although I don't get the chance to do this all too often, I still love a nice friendly or not so friendly snowball fight.
9.) Going sledding. Yeah, I am an adult, but I still go sledding and enjoy it. So, what?
10.) A nice break from school. Everyone looks forward to winter break, as a college student it is honestly the best time of the year.
Alright looking back, I guess my love/hate relationship with Winter is more like that sibling love/hate relationship than anticipated. But hey, as a person living in Wisconsin you have to find things you absolutely love doing while it is freezing outside, or you will be bored most of the year.