Here are some of the reasons I keep a journal...
1. You’re not going to remember your strange, cool or useful thoughts no matter how hard you try
When you come up with a genius idea for the next level of frozen yogurt shopping experiences or finally think of the perfect band name, you've gotta have somewhere to put it. A journal is a handy receptacle for all your things worth remembering.
2. When there’s no one to tell your judgy, snide remarks you can always save them
Honestly, why do you best burns occur to you when there isn't anyone to appreciate them? Such wit would be wasted without a place to put it for future use.
3. Sometimes a secret is too secret to even tell your squad
No offense, all my friends, but some secrets are too weird (or too trivial) to even share. Or they're something you can't share yet. Or any other thing you need to let out but can't quite share.
4. Stuff you can’t deal with right at the moment you can just shove in there
Maybe it's just a note about emailing someone, or some task you have to complete. Could be something more serious that you need to write down so you can sort through it later. There isn't always time to handle problems the moment they arrive, and putting them down somewhere ensures you'll deal with them when you have a chance.
5. You look cool and intelligent even if you’re just writing about the merits of nuggets v chicken strips or other nonsense
Just trust me on this one.
6. When you reread them, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve grown
I cry when I reread my journals. It's so strange to look back on who you've been. Disorienting, sometimes unsettling, but often a certain kind of cathartic. It's also embarrassing as hell which leads me to...
7. You can also burn them in shame/for fuel
If you're anything like me, you're full of shame about all the dumb stuff you say/do/think. But if you've got a match you've got the beginnings of a sweet bonfire you can build from your most whiny, embarrassing, lame thoughts. Make some s'mores.
8. The simple act of writing thoughts down can clarify and refine them which can soothe stress
When life seems overwhelming, you can scribble things down until things a little less tangled. It doesn't have to make sense, nobody else has to see it. You can just take time for yourself. No eyes on you, nobody rushing you.
9. You’ve always got scrap paper
Fully primed for math times! Or urgent doodles.
10. You may find out new things about yourself through the inward focus required by journaling
I certainly have. I've learned from the writing, the reading, the regretting. All of it. I may not do it very consistently and certainly not very well, but for me, it's a really satisfying way to stay in touch with myself.