This world has so many amazing people, and you are one of them. Everyone has their struggles, some more than others, but you are strong enough to overcome them. You don't have to fight your battles alone. I refuse to imagine a tomorrow without you in it—betters days are ahead.
Here are 21 not-so-common quotes about choosing life that will hopefully encourage you to see another day:
1. "You will need other people and you will need to be that other person to someone else, a living, breathing, screaming invitation to believe better things."
2. "You've gotten through every bad day you didn't think you could get through."
3. "Your way out of the dark will light the way for others."
4. "The truth is: the space you occupy on this planet is space well-deserved."
5. "There are some days where life is just about putting one foot in front of the other. And that's okay."
6. "We are all in this together, shouting back at the darkness, a little louder each day."
7. "It's okay to be honest and it's okay to ask for help. It's simply part of being human."
8. "There will certainly be days worse than these. But a beautiful truth remains-- there will be better days, too."
9. "It's possible to live with scars, to feel the same pain you feel right now and to not hurt yourself because of it."
10. "If you're feeling alone, know that the world can be a lonely place. But it would be lonlier without you in it."
11. "Give yourself the opportunity of seeing what a year from now holds.Take a chance on yourself and choose to stay."
12. "I promise you, those thoughts of people not loving you or wanting you be with you are a lie."
13. "Please stay alive. For every future joy. For the next album you're going to love. For the best concert you haven't been to yet. For your wedding or your husband or your wife. For the kids you have or dream of having. Please stay alive to be surprised, by love and hope and help."
14. "You are not the heaviness sitting inside of you. You are not the battlefield where the bodies fall, and you are not the sound of cannons breaking the sky open. You are what happens after the war. The surviving. The healing. The recovering."
15. "Free yourself from the idea that you aren't worthy of other people's time."
16. "On the days when life pushes me around, I will dig my heels in, reach for my strength, and choose to fight back."
17. "You belong in the light, and you can get there again. Don't believe anyone who tells you differently."
18. "You will shake in your skin. You will be more terrified than you have ever been. But you will be brave, and you will be okay."
19. "But while your heart has been broken and scarred, it is still beating."
20. "So what's next? You heal, you grow, and you help others."
21. "The most important part in recovery is taking the power back and allowing yourself to believe you deserve to win."