Perhaps you're thinking about getting a tattoo, or perhaps you already have one. Either way, it's important to know why you should and shouldn't get a tattoo. There are many things that can impact your choice, and also many things that need to be thought about before getting a tattoo. If you're on the fence, here are seven reasons why you should get a tattoo, and two reasons why you definitely shouldn't.
1. Tattoos are an expression of your personality
Getting a tattoo on your body shows who you are. There's no one in the world identical to you, and though people tend to get matching tattoos, tattoos take on a different look, meaning, and feeling from person-to-person.
2. They tell a story
Choosing to get a tattoo that tells a story or significant memory is a great way to keep those memories forever. I chose to get a matching small crescent moon with my best friend to tell the story of our crazy friendship, and it's my favorite tattoo.
3. They capture passion
No matter what you're passionate about, be it something like sports or art, passion makes for great tattoos. It is a great way to remember something that you love or feel strongly about and also to show off to others!
4. Tattoos can be encouraging and motivational
I personally know a few different people who have the semi-colon tattoo, which is a representation of conquering depression. These types of tattoos are the little pieces of encouragement to get through the day, week, or month. They truly make for incredible tattoos.
5. They create confidence
Tons of people will notice and want to talk about your tattoos, and it feels great to know that people are interested. Nine times out of ten, people will absolutely love your tattoo. Being able to express who you are is a huge confidence booster!
6. They are art
Tattoos are your individual pieces of art work and being able to have a piece of art on your body feels amazing and liberating.
7. Tattoos are empowering
Whether promoting self-love, girl power, or resilience, tattoos are empowering for everyone. Celebrate your body and empower yourself!
The reasons you shouldn't get a tattoo:
1. You're unsure of what you really want
If you're unsure of whether or not you really want a tattoo you've been thinking about, or you're unsure of where to place the tattoo, wait. If you're not 110 percent sure about it, think about it longer and wait to get it.
2. You're being pressured into it
If someone or something is pressuring you into getting a tattoo, especially if it's your first, do not give in. Be sure to think about the tattoo you want for a considerable amount of time before getting it permanently on your body.
While tattoos are a fun and meaningful way to represent an abundance of things, believe it or not, there are a full set of responsibilities that come with having them. If you're 100 percent sure of what you want, and no one is pressuring you, I say go for it! Don't be afraid of the pain, and wear your tattoos proudly.