By being involved in your school or community, you come to know many different people. Sometimes, you meet with people that could become your future employer or a friend who refers you to that important job.
You get to meet new friends!
I know that just this year I have met TONS of friends that I would have never gone up to and talked to if I hadn't chosen to get involved. These people support me and give me a sense of friendship that I would have never been able to experience had I not gotten involved in the clubs that I joined.
You get connections with many different kinds of people.
By being involved in your school or community, you come to know many different people. Sometimes, you meet with people that could become your future employer or a friend who refers you to that important job. The people you meet are very broad in the effect they could have for your future. These connections give you opportunities that you would have never had if you were not involved.
You're giving back to the community.
The community does a lot for you as you grow up by contributing to scholarships or helping you succeed. Giving back to your community is important because it affects those who are following the path you once took. It also is something that humbles you and gives you a sense of doing good.
There is a sense of "family" no matter what club you join.
Many of the people you meet in these organizations truly care about you as a person. They become your friends and sometimes you are close enough to call each other family. These people are those who you choose to spend your time with and who become lifelong friends. These people are here to give you advice and guidance on what to go to next.
It looks good on resumes for potential employers.
Many employers look to see if you can handle more than one thing or subject. By being involved, it shows that you have handled schoolwork and extracurricular activities at the same and that you have the ability to multitask. Through involvement, it also shows the employers that you care about your school or community enough to actually be involved in such things.
You get to have lots and lots of fun!
Many activities are done with clubs that are just for fun! Going to the skating rink, doing a scavenger hunt, and having an ice cream social are just some ways my clubs include some leisure time to get to know one another and enjoy life!
Don't be shy or think you won't make it! Getting involved is a great way to enjoy one's time in college. It's all worth it in the end.