It may sound stupid, but water is legit. It makes up approximately 70% of our bodies and we cannot survive without it. Even though most have learned that they should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, they still don't. Why not? I have comprised some of the wonderful benefits we can see and feel in our bodies when we actually drink enough water.
Now, you have to understand, the amount of water a person needs is unique to that person. Generally speaking the eight glasses of water a day we all heard growing up, is low. Assuming moderate physical activity, the US Institution of Medicine and the World Health Organization recommends we give our bodies eight to 11 cups of water a day as women, and 10 to 15 cups of water a day as men. This intake does not need to be strictly from actual glasses of water. There are many foods which provide decent amount of water, such as fruits and vegetables, which should be incorporated into our diets anyway to keep healthy and provide other nutrients our bodies crave.
Thirsty yet?
Water is powerful and has some benefits you may not always think about. Did you know that drinking adequate amount of water is super beneficial to your skin? Water promotes hydration which, in turn, gives us healthy, glowing skin. Staying hydrated may also help ward off acne, who doesn't want that? Plumping up your skin by drinking water is free and healthy!
Ever have a sort of dull, never ending headache? Tension headaches? Did you drink enough water that day? I bet not. When a person does not adequately supplying the body with H2O, fatigue sets in. Fatigue is your body's way of calling for help. Anytime you feel thirsty, chances are, you are already mildly dehydrated.
Go get a glass of water!
Sufficient water intake also leads to better sleep and a better mood. Without that fatigue we talked about before, your body is happier overall. One I found especially surprising is that lots of water wards off bad breath.
Not everyone is water crazy, and that is understandable. If you need a little help drinking enough water, try using a fun, new water bottle. That way you will want to show it off and you'll be drinking more water, at the same time! You could also have at least one glass of water with each meal. If you're in college, have one before or after each class, or take a water bottle in with you and drink the whole thing during class. Increasingyour water intake should not be so hard. You are only a few glasses more a day away from feeling even better, so DRINK UP!