Everyone has blonde or brunette hair but you're one in a million if you have red hair. If you're lucky enough to have a redhead in your life then never let them go and here are 10 reasons why!
Heart Of Gold
Redheads tend to have a sensitive heart but when it comes down to it we love with everything we have and give everything we got into anything.
We Are Extremely Rare
Redheads make up less than four percent of the world's population. So, why not date the person with same color hair as you?
Freckles Are Cuteness Overload
We gingers tend to have freckles everywhere on our body and even more come out in the sun.
We Are Always Easy To Spot In A Crowd
No matter wherever we are all you have to do is look for Red hair and you will automatically find us.
Your Pale Will Never Be Compared To Our Pale
All. We. Do. Is. Burn. We don't tan, We freckle.
Ginger Babies!!!!!!
Oh, the excitement!! Ginger Babies are the cutest and if you're lucky your ginger baby will look like a red-headed troll... How cute!!!
The Temper
Everyone says redheads have the worst temper and it is pretty accurate. You don´t want to see our mad side.
Redheads Hair Does Not Turn Grey
Our hair turns a sandy blonde and then white but, it takes a while for the color to actually change
¨Yes, This Is My Natural Hair Color¨
Every time we come in contact with someone we don´t know they always ask if we dyed our hair to get the color we have and you can not get this hair color by dying it!!!
Redheads Can Wear Bright Colored Shirts No Other Hair Color Can Pull Off
Yellow and Purple are our go to colors if we want to stand out plus our hair goes great with them.