Sometimes, we lose sight of all that we should be thankful for because we're so focused on what we don't/can't have during Christmastime. This way of living isn't going to bring joy or happiness; it'll just lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment. That's not what Christmas is supposed to be! It's supposed to be a time of joyfulness and thankfulness. And even if you've fallen on hard times as so many people do, there's still so much to be thankful for. Maybe you've lost a job or a loved one, and you're wondering how you'll survive this season. Even then, you can find something that will give you hope and gratefulness.
Here's a list of basic things that anyone can be thankful for:
1. You are alive.
When all else fails, that's a pretty good thing to be thankful for. Some people can't say the same for themselves. Even when life gets hard, at least you have life. You have a chance. You could do something with your life and with yourself. You can make a difference in the lives of others. Waking up in the morning is a huge gift from God. Be thankful for it and utilize what time you have on this earth.
2. You have access to the internet.
If you're reading this, you have an incredible tool at your disposal. You have access to the greatest source of knowledge known to man. You could find the answer to almost any question just with your fingertips in a matter of seconds. You can communicate with people across the world. You live in a country where you can freely access this information. So many people could only dream of having this kind of technology to use.
3. You have a family.
Whatever your family situation is like, you most likely have some kind of family. You may have parents, grandparents, uncles, adoptive parents, or even a friend, but you have at least one person who loves and cares about you. Each family will be different (and not every member will be loving), but you probably have someone in your life who you can turn to. Life can be hard, so be grateful for whoever you have that has your back.
4. You have access to food.
Not everyone has easy access to food, but at least there's plenty of food available for you. Even if dinner consists of a 99-cent can of soup from the gas station, you can be grateful for that meal. If you can afford a fridge full of food that you forget about and let spoil, then you have something that so many people would literally kill for. If your Christmas dinner menu consists of several varieties of dishes that you can buy from a grocery store (and if you don't have to worry about what you'll eat for the rest of week), then be thankful.
5. God loves you.
This may be something you've heard a hundred times in church or from people you know, but it's true. God has done so much for humanity and for you personally; how can we think that there's nothing to be grateful for? Christmas is literally the celebration for what God did for us! If you're a Christian, you've been saved from some horrible things and brought into a new family. If you aren't, then be grateful you've been given more time to think about these things. It's too late for so many people, but at least you've been given another day, another moment, to make your decision.
There are so many more things to be grateful for in this life that we miss for so many reasons. We could be scared or worried about the future or feel guilty about the past. We get so focused on other things that we don't take a moment to stop and reflect. This isn't just a good practice for Christmas. This is something you need to do every day of your life, no matter how your day went.
I hope this was encouraging and got you thinking about what you'll be grateful for this Christmas. Happy Holidays!