Actors are masters of disguise...
They know how to ensure people see them the way they want to be seen. Thanks to extensive training in movement and voice they are able to project their voice, clearly articulate their words with proper diction, and stand with impressive posture, portraying themselves in an extremely professional manner. On the other hand they are likely able to choose a chakra wheel and element to live in, in order to embrace a specific genre of people. Actors are trained to study others from a short distance, they are the most observant people in the game. Yes they notice your right shoulder sits slightly higher than your left, indicating you are most likely right handed. They also notice that you walk around with a collapsed heart chakra meaning you are very closed off to emotional encounters due to fear...guessing you recently went through a very hard break up or an emotionally scarring experience? They see you, they know you, and they know how to market themselves to you.
They know how to get what they want from you…
Actors spend HOURS each week working on exploring different tactics for their scene work, that they put into real life practice. They work with other actors to practice and sometimes bring it into their personal lives. Don’t respond well to one tactic? Don’t worry, they have about 500 more in their back pockets.
They thrive in the spotlight…
Need someone to give a speech or presentation? They got it! They don’t fear speaking in public or large audiences, they enjoy it! They've been trained in improvisation, vocal skills, and physical stage presence. Where’s the dressing room?
They can wear many hats and pick up skills quickly…
Whether it be stage combat, helping out with a set, costumes, directing, analyzing, writing, or spotlighting they’ve learned many useful traits throughout training and have the ability to learn quickly and think on their feet. They are born problem solvers; the show must go on, right?
They go the extra mile…
They are used to doing whatever it takes to make sure that the show goes up and everything goes smoothly. They have worked with many different kinds of people. Ones they absolutely adore and ones that are maybe not so easy to get along with. Regardless, they are excellent at team building or as they like to call it ensemble building. Failure is not an option.
They are actually cleverly disguised evil genius businessmen and women…
Theater Majors are actually the only students that actively practice “selling” something to the public. They are aware which productions will shock the pants off of the audience, which will get them talking, and which will make them leave with a stomach full of butterflies and “happy feels.” They are cleverly packaging their production with a neat little bow, with attention to detail and fierce marketing skills. They will fill that audience, if it’s the last thing they do. Every ticket must go, final sale!