If you're like me, then "The Walking Dead" used to be your favorite show. However, like many shows with multiple seasons, you start to lost interest because of the changes they go through. As many people know "The Walking Dead" use to be a real hit show. I mean, who doesn't love a nice gory show with the plot of a killer zombie apocalypse? This show has a direct hand in my wallet when it came to buying merchandise, but now... not so much at all and here's why.
1. Killing Glenn...and Abraham
While first starting the show, I fell in love with this pizza delivering guy that was honestly saving Rick's butt. Throughout the period of the first few seasons, you can watch Glenn turn into a total hard--core fierce fighter. Not only does he have high moral standards, but he's had some amazing kills as well. He is one of the original members of the group to be subjected to the torture of "The Walking Dead" creators. Not only that, but they killed Abraham to make it seem like he was the only one to die after the long treacherous wait from season six to season seven.
2. Seeing Maggie suffer![]()
Along with the constant worry of Glenn's health and whereabouts, Maggie has been truly been put to the test of watching Glenn go through wonders. Time after time, there had been worry of things happening to Glenn or many others that Maggie has grown a close connection to. Maggie lost not only her husband, but also her mother, stepmother, cousin, stepbrother, father (Hershel), half-sister (Beth), and possibly even her baby. Enough said.
3. Carl
Despite his change in the further seasons, Carl has been a bit of a pain in the butt. He plays an ignorant typical teenager that often causes many disruptions in plans the group makes. Even looking at his circumstances, Carl could have grown up different from most teenagers, considering he did. Instead, he is stubborn, makes bad decisions 90 percent of the time, and annoys the heck out of many others. Am I right? It may seem harsh, but I would have rathered Carl's death over many of the fan favorites. I mean, Negan can step in at this part.
4. Hating Negan
Negan is one of the main problems with this new season. His harsh, unnecessary methods are driving most fans, including me crazy. One moment Rick's group is on the come up and the next they are on their knees handing over 50 percent of their supplies to some stranger and his crew as he bashes their heads in. Negan is like the bully of the group. You listen to him only because you're afraid he might attack you. The creators turned the show into something I found myself cringing and hating most of the episodes. Not only do I hate the cockiness and boasting of Negan, but I also can't stand how long the creators draw out his scenes of unfunny jokes, cruelty, and monstrous tendencies. Negan has got to be the most annoying villain of all time. Bring the governor back.
5. Too many plot twists
6. Breaking up the crew
Continuing on with the last statement, not knowing what's going on with the characters is the breaking of the crew. Because of differences and circumstances with Negan and other factors, the group is broken up all over the place. Meanwhile, in season six, the group was pretty much in the parameters of their home together at Alexandria.
7. Keeping up with the many locations
From a period of five episodes in season seven, we were put in a different location each episode. We went from the Woods to the Kingdom, then the Savior's Fortress, Alexandria, and the Hilltop. I mean, how can a girl keep up with all these changes?
8. Becoming boring
Because of Negan's ruthlessness and constant annoyance, the episodes began to be pretty much the same every time. We knew things would change, but we also weren't expecting the consistency of a new boring plot because of his appearance.
9. It's not a comic, its a show
I always hear people's constant argument of why things happen the way they do. They say, "They have to follow the comic." Well, the truth is, no they don't. The comic is the comic and that's that; however, because the show is based on the comics, it means that certain things must change to fit the picture of a television series. They have already done many things different from the comics, and yet that is anyways an argument.
10. Season seven...
Overall, season seven has caused many problems and it shows in their ratings. "The Walking Dead" was traveling on a path to high ratings, and as soon as the season seven premiere happened, the ratings began to drop and are dropping lower each episode. What does that say? Kill Negan!