Everyone has their opinions on video games. Some people are casual gamers, who like the occasional flash game or picking up a Nintendo game every now and then. Other people consider themselves more avid gamers and consistently play well-renowned games, such as "Halo," "Mass Effect," "Skyrim" and more.
However, there's one game that has consistently been a good game, even though many people do mock it for its simplistic gameplay. I'm talking about "The Sims."
Marriage Equality
In the world of "The Sims," anyone can get married to anyone else. There's same-sex marriage, interracial marriage, and even marriage with an alien or a vampire. Nothing is stigmatized or bad in "The Sims" because, in "The Sims" world, everything is good.
There's no sexism, homophobia, racism, transphobia or anything like that. As long as you don't insinuate that someone's mother is a llama, all's good.
Character Body Types
"The Sims," in my opinion, stands out because of its amazing character creation platform. It makes almost everything about your character customizable, from body types to skin tones to hairstyles, and even tattoos.
Do you want your character to be muscular and have full sleeves? Or do you want them to be more of a pear shape? Either is possible, as well as anything in between. Height is the only limit. I personally use "The Sims" when designing characters for a writing class, or just for fun, because it has such a good character creation ability.
Gender Customization
"The Sims 4" has a new customization model in its character creation setting that I absolutely love. Basically, "The Sims 4" allows you to customize your gender. You pick your character's presenting body shape, clothing preferences and whether or not they have the ability to become pregnant.
It is an amazing feature that I love, and it allows you to make trans and nonbinary characters — something almost no other games allow you to do.
Non-Nuclear Households
In "The Sims," the characters you create are your household. And the sky's the limit as far as the relationships and family dynamics go. You do not have to have two parents and a child. You can have one parent, two children and some of the parent's roommates. You can have one parent and one child. You can have two moms or two dads, or any number of combinations. You can have a pair of siblings. Once again, the sky is truly the limit.
House Design
Keeping in rhythm with all of the customization in "The Sims," you can also customize a house for all of your Sims. You can make it as many stories as you want. You can give your Sims a pool, a car and as many TVs as you want. You can create a beautiful garden, or a game room, or a home theater. And of course, painting is done in whatever color or pattern you want.
A big development with "The Sims 4" was the addition of the cats and dogs expansion pack. This was a huge thing, and it's an expansion pack that I absolutely love. It allows you to give your characters pets. You can pick from dozens of breeds of cats and dogs, custom create a mixed breed, and even give your sim a raccoon or fox as a pet!
Finally, the last big reason so many of us love "The Sims" is "motherlode." In case you're wondering, motherlode is a cheat that you can enter in "The Sims," where your household gets 50,000 Simoleons (Sim currency).
Now, in a game where your pets, your food and any additions you want to make to your house all cost your Sim money, a cheat where you automatically get a huge sum of money in the game is fantastic. There are also a lot of other fun cheats, but this is the big one everyone really loves the game for.