So finals week has come to an end, it is summer, and everyone is happy, right? Wrong. Summer is just so much different when you are in college compared to when you were in grade school, middle, or high school. While still in those schools you got to hang out with your friends, go to the pool all summer, and not have a care in the world. Being in college is a totally different story and here are my top five reasons why.
1. In college, you do not typically go to school Monday through Friday and if you do have classes every day, you probably are not going 8 to 3:30 like in high school.
While classes may be harder you do have more free time than in high school (at least I do) and therefore summer is just not as appealing because you already have free time.
2. College is way more fun than high school.
In high school, most people did not really do stuff on the weekdays because you had to wake up early and go to school the next day and even in the summer parents hardly let you go out very late. In college, people go out or hang out with friends any time of the weekday or night, class or not without any permission at all.
You may go out on a Wednesday evening and run into someone who has a 7:30 AM microbiology lab, but hey it is college right? Just another reason summer sucks for college students, because the school year is already more fun than any high school summer.
3. You meet all these great people and spend pretty much every day with them for nine months.
Then all of a sudden, boom, it is summer and it is time for everyone to go back to their hometowns or go off to some internship.
4. Most college students are taking summer classes anyways unlike in high school when you were just free of all schoolwork during the summer.
While these classes may not be at your university, you are likely taking at least one summer class through a community college. Let's face it, college is expensive and we can not afford to be here for six plus years (even though sometimes we would like to be), so taking summer classes is a must for some 'cause who wants to take 20 credit hours during the actual school year when we could be having fun with everyone else?
5. College students are most likely working a lot in the summer.
While you may have worked in high school some, a lot of people did not. In college, a full-time summer job is almost required. How else are we going to pay for all the fun and exciting stuff during the school year?
Overall college is just way more fun than high school and come summertime you are either back in your hometown living your high school years over again or you are like me and sitting alone in your college town working because everyone has moved out for the summer.