We all have busy lives. With sports, school, friends, work, and other activities, our day-to-day lives are often so jam packed that we have no time to ourselves. Yet, spending time in solitude is an important aspect of our lives and it is, unfortunately, often pushed to the side. With our culture today being so “go, go, go,” we rarely set aside time for ourselves to just think. Sure we may watch TV by ourselves from time to time, but this is not the solitude I’m talking about. Solidarity requires thinking and reflection and I believe we could all benefit from spending time in legitimate solitude more often and more regularly.
1. Solitude is a time for reflection
When we set time aside for ourselves, we allow ourselves time to ponder our lives. If we sit down and think about what is going on in our lives, this act of thinking can help us to discover new ideas and new solutions to obstacles we may be facing. We can reflect upon where we are currently at in our life journey and where we want to be going. By spending time in solitude, we are able to better direct ourselves on the best path possible for our lives.
2. Solitude helps create peace and harmony in our lives
With the hectic schedules that we all experience, spending time in solitude allows us to step back from it all. It helps us to put our issues into perspective and realize that the obstacles that we face are not as big as they seem. We can come to grips with our struggles and work them out, helping us to become calmer and feel more at peace.
3. Solitude helps us discover our true selves
When we are with others, we often put up a fake front, presenting ourselves as someone who we think others will like and approve of. However, when we do this, we lose touch with our genuine selves. In this way, spending time in solitude is crucial because it allows us to reconnect with our true selves and let down our guard. When we are constantly pretending to be someone we are not, it becomes hard to stay true to ourself. Yet, solitariness helps us to rediscover who we are and who we want to be. We should not be afraid to show our true selves to others.
4. Solitude helps strengthen our relationships with others
When you spend time getting to know your true self, it also allows you to better understand what you want in your friendships and other relationships. By spending time alone, you learn to appreciate and enjoy the company of others, which in turn helps to build stronger and more loving relationships.
5. Solitude helps us to love ourselves
In today’s society, we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect—be the perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect student, perfect son. Whatever it may be, we feel stress and often don’t feel good enough and feel as if we don’t live up to expectations. However, by spending time in solitude, it allows us to recharge our self-confidence and self-worth and realize that, although we are not perfect, we are more than good enough. Solitude helps us to build positivity in our lives and to learn to love ourselves.
Spending time in solitude can impact our lives in so many positive ways. Because of these incredible ways that solidarity may impact your life, I encourage you to not be afraid. Do not be afraid to be by yourself, do not be afraid to spend time alone, and do not be afraid to look within yourself and discover who you truly are and what you truly desire.