Social media has its benefits. In some ways, it's great, but it seems that lately, for me, the cons outweigh the pros. I decided to take some time away from all the social media platforms that, lately, I've allowed to control my attitude and my self-confidence.
Here are some things I noticed when I took a step back from the craziness that lies at the tips of our thumbs.
1. Checking up on people who don't get up on you wastes a lot of time
It's in our human nature to want to continue seeing what people are up to. That's pretty much why we use social media in the first place, however, it becomes an issue when all you do is spend your time checking in on people who don't bother checking up on you. The number one thing I found during my 10-day hiatus from social media was that there is much better ways to spend your time that will fill you up rather than tear you down.
2. Your mirror starts to love you back
With all the social media influencers for companies these days, it's so easy to compare yourself with people who may have something that you want. This SUCKS and it shoots your self-confidence way down. The second thing I found that, though I never really felt bad about myself when looking through social media, spending some time away from it helped me acknowledge myself for who I was created to be and appreciate it.
3. You'll sleep better at night
Typically, I will lay in my bed and scroll through the posts that I've probably already seen twice that day. During the 10 days without social media, I would jump into bed and fall asleep almost instantly. Not to mention, I had so many crazy dreams that I was able to remember. They say it's harder to fall and stay asleep when you stare at a phone screen within a half hour before getting into bed. I found that 100% to be true and I was able to get the rest I needed.
4. You'll have more time to focus on loving yourself
Whenever I got the urge to scroll through social media, I did something that made me happy. I spent a lot of time praying, doing yoga, writing and just being present with others. Self-love combined with no access to social media amounted to a ton of self-love.
5. You'll have a ton of roll over data for the next month
Kind of a joke but this is low key true. Whenever I have a break between classes or I'm sitting in the car before going somewhere, I would spend that time on social media, which, in turn, takes up a ton of unnecessary used data.
6. You'll pay more attention to detail
You'll be able to take a look at more than just the bigger picture to really intensify what is present, and right in front of you. You'll be surprised at some of the things you allow yourself to focus in on.
7. You'll appreciate quality time with people more than you realized
Truly, when you spend time off social media, it means a lot less time on your phone. So when you're surrounded by a group of friends you really learn to appreciate their presence and being around them. You won't miss out on things because you were busy Snap chatting or scrolling through Instagram.
8. You'll crave impulsivity
Even though I don't spend that much time on social media itself, I always felt like I never had the time or energy to do anything impulsive or spontaneous. I found that I craved more of this when I wasn't so consumed by social media. For example, my friends and I decided to go rollerblading on a whim just for fun!
9. You'll inspire others to be present
You set an example for others to put down their phones and absorb true friendship by not sitting five feet apart on social media all the time.
10. Your plate won't feel as full
I procrastinate like it's my job, but when I spent some time away from social media, I noticed that my plate didn't feel as full. I felt like I had more time to get the things done that needed to be done and as a result, I had so much extra free time.