News Flash- if you're a healthy person, there is none. If you meet all the health requirements, there is nothing stopping you from taking an hour out of your day and help save three lives.
1. Mini Check-Up
You will get a mini check up before every donation. This ensures that you are healthy enough to give blood. This also helps the donor know their blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin levels.
2. You, as a donor, get some benefits out of it as well.
Not only do you get a mini health check-up, you also get free juice and cookies. Also, you get other health benefits. Those who donate are at a lower risk for cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.
3. Knowing your blood type
It's a good idea to know your blood type. When you donate blood, and register yourself, you will know what your blood type is.
4. Even if you have a fear of needles, you can still donate.
You can get over your fear by donating. If you let the nurses know you are scared of needles, they can make sure they help you give blood comfortably. One of my friends was scared of needles and still donated. Twice!
5. You burn calories.
While you can only donate whole blood every 56 days, during the donation, you burn calories!
6. You get a sticker that tells people to be nice to you.
Not only do you get free cookies and juice, you get a little sticker you can wear all day saying that those you come in contact with need to be nice to you!
7. It helps generate new cells.
When you donate, your red blood cells, plasma and platelets are taken. This means your body need to generate new ones (which is the reason you need to wait 56 days). It is very healthy to be making new, healthy cells.
8. It's quite quick.
While the whole process from start to finish takes about an hour, the actual donation takes about 10-15 minuets.
9. You only need to donate once to help multiple people.
One pint (aka one donation) can help up to 3 people.
10. Each unit of blood is tested for infectious diseases.
Passed the questionnaire and physical? After you donate, your blood will be tested for diseases like Hepatitis B and C, HIV 1 and 2, and Syphilis. And, this is also all free!
11. You can be a hero.
Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs blood. This equals to 36,000 units of red blood cells needed everyday. Only about 5% of the population eligible to donate actually do. Not only is the process, easy, safe and rewarding, you can help people by laying down. While people do have reactions, like dizziness, weakness, and some people do pass out sometimes, it is not common, and if you prepare properly, you will not have any issues.
If you are healthy and match the requirements, there really is no excuse not to donate. If it was your family member who needed the blood, you would want those who can to donate. So why not you? Why not you to step up to the plate and be there for when someone needs what we all need to survive. There is nothing in this world more noble then giving yourself, your time, and your patience into helping someone in need. Just remember, when your family member may need it, you will want someone to step up and donate. Be that person. Our blood banks are constantly running out of blood, and will need replacing for as long as disease, injury and sickness exists.
You can find out more information and schedule an appointment at