10 Reasons Why Sansa Stark Is One Of The Best "Game of Thrones" Characters | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Why Sansa Stark Is One Of The Best "Game of Thrones" Characters

She's progressed so much.

10 Reasons Why Sansa Stark Is One Of The Best "Game of Thrones" Characters
Game of Thrones

WARNING: The night is dark and full of spoilers!

Last Sunday night's episode, "Battle of the Bastards", was an amazing battle that showed Stark forces retaking Winterfell from the Bolton army. Although Jon Snow may have fought valiantly, it was Sansa Stark who had the last laugh. Her being the utter badass that she is reminded me of the reasons she is such a relatable character.

1. Her character arc is phenomenal.

Sansa went from being hated in season one and pitied in season two and three and especially five to being absolutely admired in season six for her strength and character.

2. We all were once a Sansa Stark.

During the beginning of the show, she was just a young girl with dreams of marrying a sweet prince. However, when she got that opportunity, all sense of reality left her pretty little red head. She was selfish and thought she was too good for certain things. We’ve all been young and careless like that.

3. She has survived some of the worst horrors that have befallen Westeros.

She watched her father get beheaded and she has survived her betrothed physically and emotionally torturing her. She was once married off to The Imp, Tyrion Lannister, and do not even get me started on Ramsey Bolton.

4. She doesn't have to wield a sword or be a tomboy to be cool.

The time she spent with Littlefinger was not a waste. He taught her the subtle art of manipulation and cunning. It is her secret weapon, considering most people still see her as that empty-headed little girl in love with Joffrey.

5. She retains so many good traits even after all that she's been through.

She displays kindness, loyalty, and hope in spite of all that she has seen, but don’t let that fool you. If you cross her, she’ll feed you to the dogs.

6. She’s got a few powerful men at her disposal.

Jon Snow and his band of merry wildlings came to Sansa's aid and helped her reclaim her home of Winterfell. They did this along with Petyr Baelish, aka Littlefinger and protector of the veil. That’s two great men at her disposal. Now that she's back at Winterfell she technically has the entire north at her disposal.

7. Her wardrobe is rockin'.

After everything she's been through, I wouldn't blame her for putting on a pair of sweats. Sansa fierce is dressed to the nines in every episode despite it all.

8. Sansa might be a black widow in the making.

Her fiancé, Joffery Lannister, ended up dead. Tyrion Lannister was put on trial for murder of the king, and is technically a wanted felon. Ramsey Bolton is the latest to be added to the list.

9. We can't tell if she's being manipulated by Littlefinger, or if she's the one doing the manipulating.

This can either be a pro or a con. I have a feeling that Sansa Stark took those brief lessons on cunning and is now using them to her advantage to help her rise in power- even if that means surpassing her master.

10. Theres nowhere to go but up (or die).

Hopefully, now that Winterfell has been reclaimed, Sansa will take her place as Warden of the North. Such a change in position can only open doors for her to play in the great game of thrones.

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