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5 Reasons Why 'Ratatouille' Is The Superior Disney Movie

I am prepared to fight to the death about this.

5 Reasons Why 'Ratatouille' Is The Superior Disney Movie

Almost 12 years since it's release, "Ratatouille" (2007) is by far one of the best films Pixar animation has made.

Putting my personal bias aside, the film masterfully tells a tale with the notion that anyone can do anything they set their mind to. It's everything we know, love, and expect from Disney.

However, "Ratatouille" does a much better job than this at most. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. It Has A Fierce, Feminist, Female Character

We stan.


Colette Tatou is a bad*ss, no questions asked.

She's an assertive and powerful female figure in a male-dominated field. She doesn't care about sharing her opinions and will tell you when you're wrong.

In 2018, we can all look to her as our feminist queen.

2. That Soundtrack

Introducing, your new study beats.


Michael Giacchino and Brad Bird co-wrote the soundtrack for the film. The album earned an Academy Award nomination for best original score, as well as a Grammy notation for Best Score Soundtrack. These don't come without merit.

Clocking in at just over an hour along, the score allows viewers to transport to the hustle and bustle of a busy kitchen in the world's culinary capital.

Highlights include "Le Festin" performed by French artist Camille and "Anyone Can Cook."

3. A Love Letter To Paris

Brb, booking a flight for this summer.


The move is as much about cooking as it is about the city of lights. Pixar's beautiful animation highlights the charming city as much as possible. There's so much attention to detail—from the cobblestone streets and colors to the glistening lights Remy can see in Linguini's apartment. It's easy to fall in love with Paris just by the animation alone.

4. The Notion That Anyone Can Cook

Including me. Microwave ramen is food, right?


Let's get political.

In our current political climate, we're more divided than ever. When others try to bring us down, we have to remember that we can do anything we set our minds too.

This rings true with chef Gusteau's motto uttered throughout the movie—anyone can cook.
In the scope of the movie, it applies to Remy. He's a rat, after all. However, looking deeper, it rings true in all aspects of our life.

Regardless of our age, skin color, religion, or sexual orientation, if we truly believe in something and put our minds to it, we can get it done.

5. This Iconic Quote


That's it. That's the movie.

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