Unpopular opinion: New Year's resolutions are overrated and unnecessary.
Like I get the whole "new year, new you" concept but let's break out some numbers. 92% of New Year's resolutions fail with only a whopping 8% ever succeeding. How's that for "new year, new me?" The reason why they fail is that people shoot too high, try to make a huge life turnaround and can't commit to a change that big and fast. It disrupts their daily routine and they don't like it. Want to know how the 8% of resolutions do it? They make one ultimate goal and slowly, very slowly, work up to it. It starts with minor changes until it becomes normal to them. My mom has always told me it takes 40 days to break a habit. Trying to completely break a habit in under a week will drain you. Take it slow if you want to see success.
But I still don't think we need to make resolutions each year. I think that setting your year up with something that you feel that you need to change is a bit presumptuous as you cannot foresee any circumstances that may cause you to fail. This can be health reasons, physical limitations, emotional status, location, financial situation etc. The list goes on. The fact that you need to accomplish your resolution in just 365 days is pushing it. I think that instead of resolutions for just that year, we make reasonable, long-term goals that aren't limited to just one year to fulfill. Maybe your goal will take three years or even longer than that. Or maybe it will only take one year and in that case, amazing job to you. However long it takes, it'll be worth it in the end and you should not feel that you are behind.
In a perfect world, we wouldn't need to make resolutions. We would be completely happy with ourselves and our situations that this tradition wouldn't exist. The idea of a clean slate, a brand new year, is wonderful. I say, instead of worrying about a stupid resolution that will occupy the majority of that year, just enjoy it and seize it to the fullest. Each day is a gift and how we use it is up to us. Instead of resolutions, I challenge you to make choices that will make this coming year your best year ever. I'll leave the interpretation up to you.
So enter this new year with a new perspective that the resolutions do not define the year. It's uncharted territory and you shouldn't have to strategize going into it! Just enjoy the ride and take these next 365 days and make it your year.