6 Reasons You Should Probably Not Live On A Beach Even Though It Sounds Pretty Great | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons You Should Probably Not Live On A Beach Even Though It Sounds Pretty Great

You may be getting in way over your head.

6 Reasons You Should Probably Not Live On A Beach Even Though It Sounds Pretty Great
Taylor Plate

Living on a beach has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I dreamed as a little girl of the day I would get to move away from dreary, hard-wintered North Texas and live in a tropical vacation getaway year-round. This planned seemed to be foolproof, and I held this dream close through my high school years especially.

When something bad happened in my life, I would tell myself that it was okay because in just a few short years I would get to spend my whole life at the beach. That was a valiant dream, but since I've gotten older I found that it might be a bit unrealistic.

So, here are six reasons why you should probably not live at the beach even though it sounds great.

1. You probably won't actually go to the beach all that much.

You're probably going to have a job, a family, or something else keeping you too busy to partake in the ocean views as much as you'd like.

2. The weather isn't always what you'd expect it to be.

There are usually lots of tropical storms, cold fronts brought on by the ocean, and generally not all that many hot, sunny days unless you're in the peak two or three months of the year.

3. There will be tourists everywhere.

They will take over your island getaway because it is in fact, an island getaway spot.

4. After you do finally go to the beach, your house will be filled with sand indefinitely.

There is no escape. Ever.

5. You will be shocked at the amount of energy and planning it takes to get you and your friends to the beach.

You never realized how much it takes to get four adults in the same place at the same time.

6. You'll fall in love with the beach despite all the reasons you shouldn't, and you'll never be able to leave.

Once you're in, they've got you for life.

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