Women shaving is a big discussion, well everything a woman should or should not do is always a big discussion. But I think whether or not a girl wants to shave her vagina should be up to her. Unless it's your body part you shouldn't be telling anyone what to do with it unless it's harming you in any kind of way. Here are seven things to think about when deciding if you going to shave down there or not.
1. For a guy
If you think you need to shave or touch-up down there for a guy then you absolutely shouldn't. You don't tell guys to shave and most guys don't really shave, so why should you? You should never have to shave if they guy is the answer for why you are.
2. Bare really isn’t that cute
Shaving all your pubic hair to where there is none is not really a good look. Neither is having a little tiny bit of hair and having the rest bare
3. Health conditions
The skin can get irritated and even the vagina itself can get irritated.
4. It helps arousal
There is a hormone in your body that your pubic hair is enhanced with the produces an increase in your appeal to whoever you want to have sex with.
5. It’s a lot of work
Technically when you shave down there your suppose to trim down the hairs with scissors, then clean the area with soap and water, and then you slowly start shaving the way the hair is going using shaving cream/gel.
6. Because you feel like you need too
Society seems to always have something to say about women and what they need to do. Don't feel like you have to shave because society believes every woman needs too. They are not the one shaving down there so you need to be the one that chooses whether or not you want to shave.
7. Razor bumps
They happen a lot and everyone hates them, shaving it not worth it.