Fighting is a normal part of any relationship-- friends, girlfriends, parents, random people on the internet posting ridiculous things. We all do it, and it's so tempting to fight over social media, and well, texting in general. Everything is recorded so you can always go back and prove your innocence with a simple screenshot, and the more likes you get, the more people agreeing with your side of the story, what could be wrong with that? No, bad human. What ever you do, resist the urge! Here are 9 reasons it will never end well!
1. When you post anything on the Internet, anybody can view it
This includes your parents and even your employers (yes, they run social media background checks)
2. There is a high-possibility to end up arguing with the wrong person and regretting it greatly.
If you are fighting with a friend and send a message to your girlfriend instead, well now you have two arguments and no friends.
3. You can't detect tones and sarcasm over texts.
A joke can be taken as passive aggressiveness and taken too seriously. The argument goes downhill from there.
4. People need to yell in an argument to get it all out and not hold it in.
If you can't shout in a shout-match, it makes you stew and makes the argument so much worse
5. There is an actual skill to fighting over social media and texting
Very few possess this skill...very few
6. You may end up taking it out on your device
You won't hit your girlfriend, but that phone that is just sitting there showing all of the hurtful things season
7. It's too easy to ignore the other person and walk away from the fight for long periods of time
A simple fight that can be solved in an hour can last a week and can cause long-term damage
8. Auto-correct is never your friend!
We have all had this one likes one...
9. Most of all, you can't just make-up right after you solve the issue
We all know the best part of a fight is the making-up.
Just put down the phone, shut your laptop, and go have good ole fashion shouting match- it's worth it.