Nicki Minaj is much more than a rapper. She is a strong, independent, confident and successful woman, paving the way for other female rappers. She's worked from the bottom up to the top and isn't willing to stop for anyone. From the exterior, her sexually explicit music may deem her as an unlikely role model, but we have much more to learn from Minaj than what we see on the outside. Nicki Minaj has done more for feminism and social injustice than some of her peers and we are so grateful for that. Below are just a few reasons as to why she's more than her music and is possibly one of the best women to have influence our culture.
That time when she emphasized the importance of a higher education
If you look at various concert footage from her last tour, you'll see that in every show she stops her music to make sure every woman in the audience knows their self-worth and the importance of independence and a proper education. Nicki knows how influential she is and realizes that by putting it out there, that she could possibly change someone's life for the better. For this reason, I would like to personally thank Minaj, because I haven't seen an artist willing to stop their whole show just in order to spread a small, but positive, message that could do so much good.
Then there was that one time when she reminded everyone she was a feminist
Nicki once said: "If you speak up for yourself, you're a bitch. If you party too much, you're a whore. Men don't get called these things." Being a female rapper, she's had to deal with much judgement by her well respected, male, peers, until she proved herself worthy of success in the industry. She made sure to let everyone know how hard she has worked and how she hopes to have made a way for other female rappers, as women currently only represent a very small percentage of rappers in the industry.
Or what about when she spoke the truth in song?
"People will love you and support you when its beneficial. I'mma forgive, I won't forget, but I'mma dead the issue. Soon as you out a nigga's life is when they start to miss you. They see you doin' good now it's kinda hard to diss you." In her song, "Pills and Potions," she was honest, real and vulnerable. Her lyrics are the advice that your mom and your best friend both tell you. Sometimes it's hard to listen to the truth, but Nicki made it a lot easier.
She also pushes female empowerment in and out of her music
"Feeling Myself"? "Want Some More"? "Only"? That's right: feminist lyrics with self-empowerment to boot. Nicki made it very clear that she's a boss, does what she wants and excels at it. She's worked hard to get where she is right now and doesn't mind expressing how great it is to be on top. A woman that is confident, talented, smart and spreads positive socially political messages? Sign me up.
She also shut down slut shaming real quick
In her interview with vogue she said "There are sexual things that I do that aren't for a man. I feel empowered sometimes by being sexy and being comfortable enough to be sexy on camera — a lot of woman struggle with that." I respect Nicki for saying this: women don't do sexual things just to impress a man or in order to get his attention. A woman can do whatever she wants (like a man) and shouldn't be called a whore for it. Thank you, Nicki, for raising awareness of social injustices against women, because it's getting quite old.
Lastly, let's not forget that she's a successful businesswoman
"I'm a big supporter of women who came from nothing and worked their way to the top." Nicki is probably one of the most influential women in the media today. She knows what she wants and goes for it, all while encouraging and supporting women everywhere. Let's not forget what all she's done for the community of female rappers who were waiting for a strong woman to lead the way in making the music industry a much more equal place. She has set the tone for other women's success to be a normality which is a huge step for women everywhere. She's worth a current 70 million dollars and worked hard for every dollar she's earned. We need more strong, independent, confident and amazing women like Nicki in our world today.