Whenever I tell someone that I don't see myself getting married and having children, I'm usually met with the typical response that I'll change my mind in a few years or if I meet the right person. The thing is, even if I DO meet the right person, my ideas about my future aren't going to be shaped by that. I have incredibly large goals and aspirations that don't allow space for children/marriage. I want to spend the rest of my life traveling and enjoying the little things, and I can't imagine children or marriage as a legitimate part of my future. Some other reasons I never want to settle down follow:
1. Society/capitalism would love us to settle down
Many people find joy in following social norms and conforming to ideas about how people should behave and live. I'm the type of person who finds joy from going against the social norms and living exactly the way I want to live. Many people don't agree with my 'lifestyle choices,' like my sexuality, or the tattoos and piercings I have. These things make me incredibly happy so why would I want to live my life any other way than EXACTLY how I want to? As a human being, I have a right to live my life according to my own desires and not societies expectations.
2. Relationships are temporary and unique
This statement might be a tad pessimistic, but I've realized that most relationships are temporary because relationships and other people help you realize important things about yourself and then usually that relationship ends (unless it's a really great one). Relationships are incredibly beneficial and unique, which is why every relationship/friendship teaches you something new about your life and also why relationships don't have to last to be meaningful. Since relationships are so unique, why is society trying to force everyone to go down the same life path of getting married, settling down and having children? Relationships shouldn't be forced to fit a societal expectation; Otherwise, you might not get what you were supposed to gain from that relationship by forcing it to be something it is not.
3. I'm OK with never settling down or having one steady relationship
Maybe this is partly due to my only child upbringing or how fiercely independent I am, but I enjoy being alone and the idea of not having a steady relationship for the rest of my life is oddly calming. I've never enjoyed relying on other people for support, so once I rely on someone, I trust them fully. I'm fine spending the rest of life having short-term relationships that make me incredibly happy because I value getting to know people on an individual level and trying to understand them.
4. To be honest, I dislike children
Most people freak out when I arrive at this point in my argument because the idea of me disliking children is too much to handle. I appreciate how pure and innocent children are, but whenever I spend time with them, I feel emotionally drained and I cannot fathom how someone would want to spend the rest of their life attached to a child. Plus, a child costs around $233,600 to raise from birth to 18 years old; Who has the kind of money for that?! I already do not enjoy spending time with children, so I'm not able to shell out that kind of money just to be miserable. Also, the idea of putting my body through childbirth is enough to make me never want children.
5. Not having children gives me more time for myself and to grow as a person
Despite what other people think, I am okay with living a wanderlust life without a husband/wife or children. I don't need to find fulfillment or purpose within other people because I'm able to find fulfillment within myself. Maybe I'm just fiercely independent and in love with myself, but I wouldn't change either of those things because they make me unique. I might be met with controversy, but I don't care what society thinks of my life decisions. As long as I'm happy and not harming myself/others, why should my life choices be anyone else's concern?