Many may question what I could possibly miss about high school, especially if you are still currently in it. Honestly, I was the same way. I couldn't wait to graduate and to move away from home. But the truth is, high school is awesome. Maybe it's not your favorite; that's okay. For me, though, it's a part of my life I will never think of as being anything short of incredible.
You may ask: but what about the homework and stress and responsibilities and social struggles and drama and college applications and being forced to take classes you don't want to? What about the strict teachers, stupid rules, and pathetic classmates? What about the social pressures and standards and trying so hard to fit in? What about the annoying cliques that changed with the seasons? What about fake friends? What about being categorized as dumb or ugly or unpopular? What about wanting to escape problems and having no where to turn? What about trying to be involved but being too exhausted to function properly? I get it. I know exactly what high school entails, and I know that four years at the same school with the same teachers and students, the same walls, the same announcements, the same activities, and the whirlwind of emotions that comes along with it all is overwhelming. I know that high school is ridiculously scary as a freshman and that, until you're a senior, you're considered lame. Seriously, how could I possibly miss any of that?
I'm letting you in on a secret: it's not as bad as you make it out to be. And for many high school graduates, college is just round two of high school. The same social pressures, the same cliques, higher academic expectations, loans and debt, back-stabbing friends, long days, excessive stress levels, feeling stupid: it all exists at the college level. Certainly not every college or university is the same and, as a result, you won't face all of these problems at your school. But as cool as it sounds to be away from home or to be given so much freedom or to be able to go to parties, college is just an environment where more scary responsibilities are added to your plate and you are encouraged to start doing this thing called "adulting." This is not to say, however, that college is crappy. I love college, but I do still wish I could spend another year in high school. Here's why:
1. Friends
I have some really amazing friends here at college, but there is not a day where I don't miss my friends from high school. I used to see them everyday, and I am so mad at myself for taking that for granted.
2. Teachers
You probably think I'm insane saying this and I accept that. But my teachers in high school make me miss it that much more.
3. Finances
Wanna go to prom? Wanna buy something from the school store or buy food from the football game Friday night? Yeah, that was about the extent to which I asked my parents for money in high school. Now that I'm in college, it's more like asking them to not only help pay for tuition, but also for books, gas, school supplies, toiletries, snacks, laundry, printing, medicine, and spending money. I mean, I have some of my own spending money and I obviously use it when I need it, but the list of items that you need money for in high school is just so much more manageable that it is in college.
4. Sports/Clubs
I was pretty involved in high school, and I miss spending time with all of my friends at practice or at band rehearsal. College makes it difficult to continue your involvement in so many activities, and it really sucks. At least you have internships to look forward to (this is half sarcasm).
5. Family and Pets
This is something that's my own fault, as I decided to attend a school 2 1/2 hours away from home. Still, I miss being home for Sunday lunch with my immediate family and waking up to my dog. That family party you've been going to for the last 18 years? Your cousin's first birthday party? Yeah, good luck trying to make it. I didn't realize how badly I missed them until after my first semester of college, so it may not hit you for quite some time.
6. Social Events
In college, there are plenty of sports games/matches to attend. There are occasional "dances" (the last one Endicott held, only 12 students registered). As you can imagine, there is limited ability to enjoy your social life in college (outside of partying if you're not into that). Fortunately, I go to school one town outside of Salem, MA so I was able to go to haunted houses with some friends. Still, high school offers so many more opportunities to attend dances (prom), games (especially Friday night football games), meetings (for your favorite group), or even gatherings outside of school on the weekends with your friends. High school is such an ideal time to enjoy the people closest to you and spend as much time as you can with them.