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7 Reasons Marylanders Are So Obsessed With Maryland

Maryland is a pretty cool place, indeed!

7 Reasons Marylanders Are So Obsessed With Maryland
Taylor Pacobit

Everyone seems to know someone from Maryland. With that being said, most people have heard a Marylander go on and on about why Maryland is such a cool place to live, work, and play. Here are my (slightly biased) views on why Maryland is truly unique and full of so many neat things, places, and experiences!

1. Maryland Blue Crabs

Maryland Blue Crabs: Every Marylander's favorite summertime meal. And, of course, you cannot forget the most important part of steaming blue crabs: Old Bay. This is the seasoning that you will find Marylanders putting on crabs, wings, chips, pumpkin seeds, and practically everything else. We even have Maryland crab cakes, crab soup, crab dip, and so many more yummy foods!

2. Natty Boh and so many other craft beers

Marylanders are very fond of beer, feeding a huge craft beer industry in the state. Some favorites include Duclaw, Flying Dog, Heavy Seas, and Evolution. Also, Marylanders (specifically, Baltimoreans) are huge fans of National Bohemian (Natty Boh) beer. Originally brewed in Baltimore starting in 1885, this beer has a long history in the area and a lasting admiration.

3. Maryland's geography

Maryland has been nicknamed "America In Miniature" for its array of mountains, beaches, and cities. Maryland seems to have it all, from farmland to coastal areas. The Chesapeake Bay and all its tributaries provide great fishing, crabbing, and recreational activities like boating, water skiing, and tubing. Maryland has Washington, D.C. as a neighbor and within the state cities like Frederick, Annapolis, and Baltimore. They're all full of history, restaurants, shops, and many other cool things to see.

4. The history

Maryland had an extensive population of Native American tribes up until the 17th century when European settlement caused them to disperse. The first English settlement in Maryland occurred in 1634. This land along the Potomac River was given to Sir George Calvert, the Lord Baltimore by King Charles I. With that being said, Maryland has a tremendously deep history and that history is everywhere you look. St. Mary's City, Maryland's first capital, is a super cool place for history buffs to visit. Those interested in the Civil War specifically would find much fascination visiting places like Point Lookout, the Antietam Campaign Trail, and the Gettysburg Campaign Trail.

5. Maryland's location 

Maryland is placed in a great, neutral location. It's close to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and even New York City. Maryland is also a weird mixture of a Northern and Southern state, which makes it home to many different, unique people and cultures. You name it and you probably can find it in Maryland.

6. The Maryland flag

Marylanders absolutely love the Maryland flag. One can find the pattern of the flag on clothes, stickers, towels, and almost any random merchandise you can think of. The design for the flag actually comes from the coat of arms of Lord Baltimore's family, the man who started the first English settlement in Maryland. Visually, the Maryland flag is very distinct and different than most other state flags, which explains why Marylanders love their flag.

7. Our sports rivalries 

With NFL and MLB teams in both Baltimore and Washington, D.C., one could say that there is some tension with sports. Both the Baltimore Ravens and the Washington Redskins have cult-like followings, which make things interesting. Thankfully, both teams and fans show good sportsmanship (most of the time). As for the MLB teams, both the Baltimore Orioles and the Washington Nationals are both great teams, respectively.

Maryland has quite a few things going for it. From beer to blue crabs to a distinctive flag, Maryland is an interesting place that is unlike any other! Marylanders have such immense pride for their state that shows in everything they do and say! Go to visitmaryland.org to see more of what Maryland has to offer!

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