For a lot of people, marriage in their early twenties is super unattractive. "Why would I give my freedom away so early?" But, for those of who are married, we know this is merely a lie and an ignorant statement at best. Truth is, you aren't giving away your freedom if you really do marry the one you love.
Me and my wife got married the summer before our Junior year, and although it took a lot of convincing for me (she was about to propose to me I swear), I look back and absolutely love the first two years of our marriage. They were special and memorable in so many ways, but here are my top 10:
1. Studying for Midterms or Finals at IHOP at 1 am.
2. Always having someone to procrastinate with.
*hence the Taco Bell runs.
3. Free study partner who HAS to help you with flash cards or practice questions...Â
otherwise they are being a jerk and owe you.
4. Enjoying Fall, Winter, and Spring Break with each other.
Make it a milestone to get to together! A real goal.
5. Possibly having the same class together??
This can either be very good or very bad... but tons of fun.
6. A Stress-Test.
If you can make it through college-level stress together as a couple, it's a good sign for the future of your life together.
7. Genuinely caring about how the other does on a big exam/project.
It's soooo nice to have someone else in your corner.
8. Celebrating the end of the semester (or college refunds) together.
And by celebrate I mean you go to Sonic and get the Route 44 of your normal.
9. Hookie! Shhhh!
What's better than skipping class? Skipping class together!
10. The feeling of pride.
You will be so immensely proud of her/him when they walk across that stage. My walk hasn't happened yet, so I'm sure my wife will be doing cartwheels when it does.
And I do really mean that last one. I used to work at a Cracker Barrel all through College and it was hell at times. Some days were really hard and difficult, not to mention the poor guests or rude managers. But, without a doubt, the best thing in the world was calling my wife to let her know I'm on my way home. I didn't have a floor of guys to go back to; I had her. I didn't have a twin-bed that my feet hung off of; I had a queen where my feet were tangled up with hers. I didn't eat Ramen Noodles or PB and Js; okay, maybe we still ate those sometimes but she was kind enough to make them for me. Other nights she would (and still does) make amazing food. It's those little things and little memories that will make me remember our time together in college more than any party would ever.