When you hear the word "Italian", you think of the copious amount of stereotypes associated with the heritage. Whether these be good or bad, MOST of these stereotypes are true. The anger, the good cooking, and welcoming hospitality are all factors of true Italians. Growing up Italian is a blessing, we are taught the values of God, family and traditions. These are great people and here is a list of the reasons why everybody loves Italians.
1. You'll never go hungry
From the moment you walk into your italian friend/family's house you are asked the question "Are you hungry?" and before you have a chance to respond you are told to sit down and are given a plate of food. From bread, to pasta to the 18 course meal- you never leave hungry. You leave the house feeling a little too big for your jeans, with a smile on your face looking forward to returning for another meal.
2. Italians tell the truth
Whether you want to hear it or not, Italians never lie. I think it's a part of their DNA that they cannot fake their emotions. So when you need advice about something, go to your Italian family or friend and ask because even if they yell or say "whatsa the matta with you", you'll leave with an honest opinion.
3. Italians love to have fun
Italian people love to laugh, drink, dance the tarantella, play poker and hang out with other Italian people. Whether you and your Italian friends/family are sharing a nice bottle of chianti, or splitting an italian ice at your local church's italian festa, a moment spent with an Italian is never a dull moment.
4. The music is the best to cook to/dance to/sing to
Pictures aren't the only thing worth a thousand words- so is music. Music induces feelings, sensations, emotions and memories. The moment I turn on a song by Dean Martin I can practically smell my mom's sauce cooking on the stove. I don't know what it is about Italian music, but it'll always have a special place in my heart (right next to momma's meatballs).
5. Italians are for life
Italian people believe in never leaving a man behind. Although they can be short-tempered and yell, they mean it all with love. Italians will never leave you, they will guide you through life and will hold your hand when you need it. Just look over your shoulder and they will be there- always.
-In honor of my Italian famiglia!