Becoming a student leader at my college was one of the best choices I ever made. It not only benefits you on a confidence level but getting to see staff and faculty outside of the classroom, still in a professional setting gives you a different feel to put it in "High School Musical" terms, when you all wake up bright and early on a Sunday morning to appear put together for open house, you really are "All In This Together."
1. You get to brag about the place you call home without being deemed obnoxious.
I mean seriously, how can you not brag that you go to school in the middle of the Hudson Valley and that your school's highest point is a direct view of the river. Getting to watch sunset and sunrise over the river, and watching the sky change colors is something no amount of money can buy. A person here truly gets to experience the beauty of God that is all around us.
2. Breakfast
Although we are usually only provided bagels, it truly is a luxury not to have to wake up for that early open house call and think about eating while you attempt to shower and put on those ever attractive polo shirts and khaki pants. Feeding a person goes a long way.
3. New Skills
In addition to bettering my public speaking skills and getting to work on reaction time, to awkward, insane questions, the favorite skill I have learned as a student leader is the art of walking backwards. Trying to face your group of people while still making one's way around campus is an area all of its own.
4. The Apparel
Who doesn't want six different polo shirts, fleeces and of course, those ever attractive khakis? (note: khakis are not provided...make your trip to Target).